Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Glimpse

Daniel was rewarded for his effort by a stream of filthy water and saliva in his face, courtesy of Edward. He gasped as he saw Daniel kneeling beside him, and as realization struck him, he held out a hand to Daniel.

"Thanks...especially after how I use to...bully you so much..." Edward spluttered.

Daniel smiled. "It's okay."

"So... This is your hiding place?"

Daniel stared. "You know, too?"

Edward stared back at Daniel like he was an idiot. "Everyone knows you've ran away from home. Your father was calling just about everybody to ask if they'd seen you. But so far no one has, except me..."

"You won't tell anyone, will you?"

Edward shook his head. "Actually, I can help you. My parents are on a business trip in India, so I'm all alone at home. Do you want to come live with me for awhile?"

Daniel carefully considered. Edward could be drawing him into a trap. His father might be waiting for him at Edward's house. But on the other hand, with limited money and food, he would be better off staying with Edward for a few days. And no one would suspect him hiding in a former enemy's house.


Edward grinned and stood up. "Come on then, let's go."


Ten minutes later, the two of them were heading past a park when Daniel caught a glimpse of a man lurking behind a tree. He was ordinarily dressed, in jeans and a polo shirt, staring at his phone. Daniel couldn't think why just looking at the man gave him a strange sense of dread. Shrugging it off as having read too many spy stories, he continued walking alongside Edward.

When he looked back, the man was gone.

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