Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - Exposed

Daniel watched as Coach entered the room. He didn't seem fazed by the strange scene played out before him: Daniel holding on to Albert's shirt, with his hand dripping blood onto the floor, Jake and Quincy, as still as statues behind Albert, and Matthew half sitting, half lying on the bed.

Coach beckoned to the four boys. "Out. Now. Matthew, get some rest. I'll see you later."

The four filed out. Coach brought them to the Accident and Emergency ward, to get Daniel's hand bandaged, then stormed his way to a deserted corner of the hospital, and began interrogating the boys.

"What happened just now?"

Four voices sounded at once, and Coach held up his hand for silence. "Daniel, you go first."

Albert, Jake and Quincy shot glares at Daniel as one as he began his story. Coach listened, his eyebrows furrowed in attention and when it came to the part about Albert's confrontation, Jake and Quincy both tried to defend Albert's actions, claiming that Daniel had provoked him first. Coach gave them each a look that plainly said to shut up.

Daniel tried to brush over that part as quickly as he could. He wanted to be done with it and bury that incident away into the depths of his mind. He had exposed a vulnerable part of himself to Albert that was sure to invite extra bullying when he got back to school the next day. When he finished, it was Albert's turn, and he distorted the facts to the extent that he said Daniel had threatened to kick him out of Matthew's ward when he had first came in.

When he, too, was finished, Jake and Quincy had nothing to say. Coach cast a stern glance at them, and spoke.

"I'm disappointed with you, Albert. I thought that you had the qualities of a leader and I was going to nominate you to be team captain next year! But you proved to me today that you are not worthy of the title."

Coach checked his watch. "It's getting late. Jake and Quincy, go home first. I'll speak to you tomorrow."

Jake and Quincy disappeared so quickly Daniel didn't have time to blink.

Coach continued with Albert. "Why did you call Daniel a liar?"

"Because he said he witnessed the accident."

"But he did. So why did you say he didn't?"

"I didn't believe him."

"And why didn't you believe him?"

"Because I thought he was lying! Haven't you noticed his... his behaviour?! He's always the first to get to training. He's always one of the last to leave. He's always trying to show off how many sit-ups, push-ups or pull-ups he can do!"

Daniel unleashed everything he had at Albert. "Showing off? I'm not showing off. It just happens you're always spying on me. And as for being early for training, what's wrong with being on time? And I'm the last to leave because... because I don't want to go home!"

Albert snorted. "'Don't want to go home'? What kind of excuse is that? Who doesn't want to go home after a long day at school?"

"Me! I don't! I hate being at home, it's too stressful! Do you know how painful it is, to see your own sister getting caned repeatedly for something she didn't even do? Do you know, how awkward it is, when you go to school with cane marks all over your bare arms, because your father came home drunk and vented his anger on you? Do you know, why I am so "emotional" in school, never chit-chatting much with you juniors? Because that's the price I have to pay, for putting up a mental wall. This mental wall deprives me of all feelings. It's how I protect myself, because I don't want to get hurt anymore. But you, Albert Zachary Carl Keene, you have never known this pain before, have you? Don't judge people if you don't know their story!"

Albert stared shack jawed, wide eyed, at Daniel. For once he had nothing to say. Coach too was speechless.

Coach finally managed to speak. "Uhhh.... Dan, you can go now."

Daniel didn't need to be told twice.


Edward whistled, the first sound he had made since Daniel had begun his story. "Wow. What happened next?"

"Albert got kicked out, and I suddenly improved and rose to become captain."

Edward laughed. "Hey, what are we going to do tomorrow? We can't go back to my house. And I wonder who was that pizza guy."

Daniel yawned. "We'll find out. Eventually."

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