Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Footsteps

Daniel woke up the next morning to the incessant ringing and buzzing of his phone. He picked it up and was greeted by "58 missed calls, 6 messages and 224 WhatsApp messages".

The majority of missed calls were not, surprisingly, from his father but from his friends. Apparently they had heard that he had run away. Had Rebecca told them? Or had his father found his contact book and rang all his friends in a bid to find him? Either way, all the calls and messages were draining his battery. He had no choice but to turn off his phone after quickly scrolling through his messages.

When that was done, Daniel folded up the cardboard he had slept on and stuffed it into his bag. As he was zipping up his bag, he heard footsteps on the bridge above and towards him.

Daniel waited for the person to reveal himself. He sat there, absolutely quiet, hardly daring to breathe. Was it a friend? A homeless man? Or was it his father?

The footsteps stopped. Then there was a splash and a shout.

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