Chapter 15

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The man was dressed in bermudas and a polo shirt. He wore an outrageous pink cap, but it was the polo shirt that got Daniel's attention. He couldn't think what made it look so familiar, but then he remembered, on the day when he'd rescued Edward from the river, when Edward had invited him to his house, there had been a man watching them as they passed the park.

A chill shot up his spine. This mysterious guy might have been the reason for the fake pizza delivery man!

The bridge was shielding Daniel, but it wouldn't last for long if the man (which he had nicknamed 'Polo Shirt') kept coming. He debated whether he should break cover and run like hell, or stay by the bridge till the last second, keeping the element of surprise?

He took the first option.

Daniel bolted from his hiding place and headed for the exit/entrance. Polo Shirt gave a unmanly shriek of surprise (or was it rage?) and gave chase. Daniel pounded down the exit path, his backpack banging hard on his back. He could hear Polo Shirt bellowing something, and suddenly two other men appeared in front of him. In his mind he gave them names based on something about their clothes, like he had done to Polo Shirt: Red Pants and Rolex Watch

Daniel was trapped: He couldn't go back. He couldn't go forwards. His option was to stand and fight, and hope that these men didn't know any martial arts.

Red Pants let out a war cry and charged forwards, swinging a punch at Daniel. He ducked at the last moment, but caught a glancing blow to his head, which swept him off balance. Rolex Watch entered the scene, and took advantage by slamming a heavy fist into Daniel's stomach.

Daniel doubled up in pain. Someone's elbow smashed into his back, flattening him onto the ground. Daniel's hands shot out, and somehow managed to cling onto Red Pants's leg. As he went down he brought Red Pants along with him.

Red Pants must have had extremely weak bones or something, because there was a loud CRACK as he was floored. He howled in pain, clutching his arm, which he had fallen on.

Daniel pulled himself up and didn't look back. He shot down the path and emerged from the park, with Rolex Watch and Polo Shirt on his tail. He tried to lose himself in the crowd, but couldn't. His pursuers seemed to be experienced enough, weaving through the crowd effortlessly and gaining ground on him. He turned into an alleyway, cluttered with bits and pieces. Daniel crashed through them, picking up cartons and flinging them behind him hoping to slow them down. Wooden crates, plastic chairs, metal wires, brooms, mops and even a mirror; whatever he could get his hands on, he threw, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Daniel turned down another alleyway and stopped abruptly.

It was a dead end. The brick wall, decorated with years of graffiti, rose high above him. The place reeked of the smell of rotting food and cigarette smoke. There was a Dumpster there, in the corner, but even if he stepped on it, his fingertips couldn't reach the top of the wall.

There was no way out.

Or was there?

The men were nearing when Daniel raced to put his plan in action. He opened up the Dumpster, recoiling in horror for just a fraction of a second, before reaching in and hauling a stinking bag up. Then he let the Dumpster lid fall, and clambered onto it, bringing the bag of refuse up with him.

He was ready.

The men came round the corner and as soon as Daniel saw them, he pushed off with his toes against the brick wall. The Dumpster shot forward, juddering Daniel violently, but it was still on course as it plowed straight into the two men, sending them flying like bowling pins. He reached for the bag of rubbish, and ripping it wide open he showered the two men with its contents. An amazing array of objects came tumbling out, and he couldn't help but grin as they swore at him. Daniel swung himself off the bin and exited the alley with a huge smile on his face.

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