Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - The Bully

Screams rang out, echoing in the enclosed space. Daniel found the voice somewhat familiar, but he couldn't place it due to the loud splashes obscuring the screams. He heard footsteps thundering away on the bridge above him, but right now his only concern was who was in the river.

As he drew nearer he could make out the person. He was thrashing madly about in the water, struggling. A call of "Help!" made up Daniel's mind. He didn't hesitate to pull off his shirt and shorts before diving into the water wearing only an undershirt and underwear.

The water was freezing, the cold a ferocious blow to him. It was sapping his energy as he fought against the current to the drowning boy. He was shivering as he came up to draw a breath. It took every bit of his courage to stay in the water and as he checked that he was still going in the right direction, the boy went under.

Daniel plunged under. He opened his eyes, only to find that the water was thick and filthy and nothing could be seen. He swept his hands in a wide circle around him, hoping to feel the boy. A minute passed and he felt nothing but the water sweep over his arms. He shot to the surface and sucked in a deep breath. As he prepared to dive back under he felt something bump gently into his foot before disappearing.

Daniel reached down and felt a body. It was still. 

Wasting no time he concentrated on bringing the boy back to land. His life saving training kicked in and he swam on his back, holding the boy's head with a straight arm, his hand cupping underneath the boy's chin, which ensured that the boy's mouth and nose were out of the water.

Coughing, he hauled the boy up and out of the water and lay him flat on the ground. It was only then he managed to get a good look at the boy he'd just rescued.

It was his enemy, Edward George Chan, the half Chinese, half American school bully that had made Daniel's life at school a misery.

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