Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Bricks

Outside, a bird sang, perched on a tree, breaking the silence in the Chan home. Kind of like those dramatic scenes in the movies but with no music.

The same thought flashed into Edward and Daniel at the simultaneously.

"Follow me!"

Daniel followed Edward up a flight of stairs and flung open a door. Rapidly crossing a room which Daniel assumed was Edward's, he watched as Edward scooped up a bag from under a bed, wrenched open a window and whispered his plan to Daniel.

The doorbell chimed again, more impatiently this time. "Pizza delivery!"

The shout that resonated through the house seemed to help make up their minds.

Edward slung his bag over his shoulder and stepped onto the window ledge. He took a deep breath and launched himself off.

There was a crash moments later and Daniel hoisted himself up and out. His arms wrapped around the tree and he slid down, landing feet first into a clump of bushes.

"What now?"

"We run," said Edward. "Just follow me!"

Edward led Daniel towards the back of the house. There was a brick wall surrounding the house, and both boys flung their bags over. Edward bent down and motioned for Daniel to step onto his broad shoulders. Edward clutched Daniel's legs tightly as he straightened up. Daniel could just touch the top of the wall, and he hoisted himself up, being careful not to touch splotches of bird crap. He sat there, looking down at Edward, wondering how he was going to climb up.

Then there was a shout.

The fake delivery man had lost his patience and come round to the back of the house. When he saw Daniel perched on top of the wall and Edward below, he flung the pizza boxes aside and came charging towards them.

"Edward! Hurry!"

As Daniel watched, Edward began to do something strange. He picked a brick out of the wall, about one third of the way up, and another at the two-third mark. He shoved the bricks into his pocket and using the empty spaces as footholds, he scrambled up and over the wall. Daniel followed suit. From the other side of the wall, he replaced the bricks, so the man couldn't follow. He heard a yell of anger, and heavy footsteps fading away, which meant that the man was coming after them through the front exit.

Daniel and Edward picked up their bags and began to run towards a forested area in the near distance.


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