Chapter 25

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Jennifer's POV:

I wake up still cradling Josh's head in my arms. I look down to see tear stains all across my chest. Josh's hair is damp from all of the tears I've cried. He looks so innocent when he sleeps, like nothing in the world could bother him. But at the same time I can see how tired and worn out he is. I don't think he has had a proper night sleep in ages. My plan is to hold him so close to me until he wakes up, and that's what I do.

Today I'm going to tell him how sorry I am. I'm going to fix this mess I have created now matter how hard it is, no matter what the consequences are. Josh deserves to know the truth.

Josh starts to stir at about 11:30. He rubs his eyes before looking around at his surrounding, just like what a small child would do.

Suddenly his eyes lock with mine and he jolts back, looking like he's petrified of me. It broke my heart into a million pieces when I saw the look on his face. He's scared of me, and that's what brought me to tears. I suddenly broke.

So I begin with a trembling lip and a wobbly voice,

"Josh I'm so sorry for what I did to you, you don't deserve this. I love you so much but this is going to be one one the hardest things I have to do. Josh you have to let me go, you deserve someone worth of your honesty."

"Jen I don't give a crap. I want you, only you. Yes you've made plenty of mistakes but I don't care anymore. I need you. I want you. I'm willing to start on a new slate. The past is in the past. But only if that's what you want."

"Of course I do Josh. I love you with all my heart."

"I love you to Jen."

And that's the last thing he says before he smashes his lips onto mine. I can feel the raw emotion between us. I can feel how much we have both missed each other. We don't want to stop, so we don't. We kiss until we need air before going back in and kissing each other again. But this time a lot more aggressively.

Eventually we pull away, and we look each other straight in the eyes before pulling each other into a much needed a hug. A hug that shows how much we have missed each other.

"I've missed you Jen."

"I've missed you too Josh so much, so so much."

We both begin to stand up before walking upstairs to my bedroom. We don't need to talk we both know what we want, a nap. Crying and talking about emotional stuff can really tire you out. We both strip out of our undergarments and slip into bed. He pulls me close and I snuggle into his chest.

"Jen please don't let us stuff up again, I can't lose you."

"Josh I promise I won't stuff up this time. I can't lose you again, I just can't."

And that's the last think we both say before we pass out from exhaustion.

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