Chap 2 "A Day With Blake"

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Blake's POV
Saturday morning I got out of bed at 7 because I told Emylee I'll be by her place at 8. I showered, got dressed and went to her place. I knocked. "Emylee?" I asked. I didn't get an answer. I knocked again. "Emylee?" She opened the door and she looked like she had just woken up. "Hey, looks like you had a late night."
"Oh my god, Blake," Emylee replied as she had her hand in her head. "What time is it?"
"Seven fifty in the morning," I replied.
"I totally forgot that I had to be ready by eight," she replied letting me in. "I am so sorry. My job had called me yesterday and it took some time."
"I'm guessing a celebration came along that night," I replied. She nodded. "Must have been some party."
"No, it wasn't," Emylee replied. "Give me thirty minutes to get ready and we could get going."
"Alright," I nodded. She went to go and get ready. My phone rang and I picked up. "Hello?"
"Blake!" my sister's voice came through. "Are you coming over today?"
"I can't," I replied. "I promised Emylee that I'll take her to celebrate her mom's birthday today."
"Alright," Abby sighed. "Have fun with your girlfriend."
"She's not my girlfriend," I mumbled as I hung up. Emylee walked in wearing a light yellow skater dress with matching yellow flats and a white blazer. "Hey, you ready to go?"
"Yeah," she smiled while looking at me with her emerald green eyes. "Mom doesn't like when we're late." We got into my Mercedez Benz and I drove her to her parents'. We walked to the front door. "Okay, my parents are huggers so, yeah."
"I'm not worried," I smiled.
"Okay," Emylee nodded. She knocked. The door opened to reveal another girl who looks just like Emylee. "Blake, this is my twin sister Emi: E-M-I, Emi." I smiled. "Emi, this is Blake."
"So he doesn't?" Emi asked.
"No," Emylee nodded. "That's Mike, who you'll see tomorrow."
"Well, come on in," Emi smiled. "Mom's in the kitchen sitting in a chair blindfolded."
"Why?" Emylee asked.
"Because you're the surprise," Emi nodded. We walked into the kitchen. "Mom, take off the blindfold." She did. "Surprise!"
"Emylee!" her mom exclaimed giving her a hug. She looked at me. "You must be Blake." She hugged me. "I'm glad you are all here."
"Mom we wouldn't miss your birthday," Emylee replied.
"I had stopped and got you this, Mrs. Goinstead," I smiled. "Emylee didn't tell me what you liked because she hasn't been with you since she was fifteen." Her mom tore the wrapping paper from the box. "Nothing fancy. Just a box of chocolates."
"Thank you, Blake," Mrs. Goinstead smiled. "Why don't you kids wait in the kitchen? Dad will be home and I'll start cooking lunch."
I followed Emylee to the living room and we sat down. "So, I'm guessing your mom knows why you left at fifteen?" I asked.

Emylee's POV
"Well, it's part of the lifestyle I grew up in," I shrugged. "I was the oldest."
"And I always envy you for being able to move out at fifteen," Emi smiled sitting in front of me. "But how's the lifestyle?"
"Exhausting, but all worth it in the end," I nodded. "And I did make it to graduation and graduated even though I missed so many days of school."
"How'd you pass?" Emi asked.
"Yeah, how did you manage that?" Blake asked.
"I already knew the material," I shrugged. "I read the textbooks, since it takes me a week to finish a textbook." I looked at Emi. "Then I just memorize the stuff and that's how I pass my classes even though I practically fail when school started."
"Well, I'm glad we're in college together," Blake smiled. "We make time for each other."
"Does it interfere with college?" Emi asked.
"Not as bad as it does grade school because college, your classes aren't back to back," I nodded. "But I got called yesterday." Emi nodded. "Don't even think about it because you are not replacing me because I will not get severely I'll and put you in that kind of danger." Dad walked in. "Dad!"
"Emylee," Dad smiled hugging me. "I'm glad you were able to make it after all." I smiled. "With a friend, who is Mike, I presume."
"Nope, today is Blake," I smiled.
"Does he know?" Dad asked. I nodded. "Let's keep it that way and we can all be safe."
"Yes, sir," I sighed. Dad went to the kitchen to help Mom. "So, anything new happen the past five years I was gone?"
"You missed five birthdays," Emi nodded. "Five that we were supposed to share together and a Sweet 16."
"If Mom had told me about this thing, I never would've accepted," I replied. "Moving out at fifteen was not part of the plan."
"But you went ahead and did it anyway," Blake nudged me, causing me to giggle. "The question is, why?"
"I wanted Mom and Dad to be proud of me," I shrugged. "I was never good at school. When I joined this, it made me study harder for my education to stay in it."
"Sweetheart, can I get you in the kitchen?" Mom asked.
"Which child?" I asked.
"Emylee," Mom replied.
"I'll be back," I sighed. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the island. "Yes?"
"Why would you bring him here?" Mom asked.
"It's his day to hang out with me and Mike had a basketball game today," I replied. "And you wanted me here for your birthday so I am."
"Is there ever a time that you are going to be able to tell him about it soon?" Mom asked. "Me telling your father was pretty hard."
"But you two got through it and raised two amazing daughters," I replied. Mom looked at me. "When the time comes, Mom, I will tell him that I am a Samurai."

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