Chap 9 "Mike Finds Emylee"

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Emylee's POV (Con't)
"Why are you yelling?" Barney asked.
"'Cause you gave me the shit job, that's why," Lee replied. "I'm gonna shoot you in the face when I see ya."
"Where are you?" Barney asked.
"The sixty-year-old death trap you call a plane," Lee replied.
"What's taking so long?" Barney asked.
"Because there's bridges out, signs missing," Lee replied. "I've been driving these dirt roads for the last seven hours."
"Are you done complaining?" I asked.
"Of course I am, for you," Lee replied calmer.
"See ya in a few," I smiled and let go of the button. "Gotta know how to talk to him."
We drove into a weird deserted part of Russia. "What is this place?" Barney asked.
"I believe it's an old Soviet Army base," I replied looking around. "Probably used in the 80's. Cold War. They most likely staged maneuvers and practice attacks against the U.S. here."
"Is there anything you don't know?" Barney asked.
"I'll guess you'll have to wait and find out," I smiled. Barney stopped the truck and we got out. "Wow."
"Great, just what I need," Caesar replied. "50 year old pizza."
"We'll bed down here for the night," Barney stated.
Night started arriving and I found myself a place in the building we were staying in. "I'm going to be in this booth," I nodded. I laid down and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I  decided to look on my phone and look at the pictures of me and Mike, me and Adam, me and Blake, and just the whole group. "I kinda miss how the four of us were?"
"Who?" Barney asked.
I sat up and showed him the picture of me and the threw guys. "We all used to be so close," I sighed. I practically stayed awake the whole night. Barney was looking at the map. "What is it?"
"We're out of here in ten minutes," Barney nodded. "Do what you gotta do."
"Alright," I nodded putting my phone in my back packet. I strapped my swords on me and got my nine millimeter out from my jacket. "It's been awhile since I shot a gun."
"Aim still strong?" Barney asked.
I nodded. Caesar closed the door. "Houston, we got a problem," he replied. He dropped his cup. "Down!"
I hit the floor and gunshots started. "We gotta get out of here," Barney replied.
"Let's go," I responded.
"Alright," Barney nodded. Barney and I left through the back and hid behind a few cars. I shot two people. "Save your ammo." The radio beeped. "Where the hell are you?"
"I'm almost there," Lee replied. "Hey, what's going on? Are those shots?"
"The Sangs got us pinned down," Barney replied.
"Can you hold them off?" Lee replied.
I grabbed the radio from him. "Maybe with a tank," I sarcastically replied. The Sangs got a tank. "Oh crap."
"What?" Lee asked.
"They got a tank," I sighed. Barney and I moved from our places. We kept moving until we got to a building. I looked at my gun. "I'm out."
"One left," Barney sighed. "Why not?" He shot. After two minutes we got out of hiding. "What the —"
"Hey, who did that?" Caeser asked.
"Not me," Gunner replied. "I'm out."
We met up with our crew. "Somebody got carried away," I smiled. I saw someone walk out from the smoke. "Barney..." The guy walked up to us. "Oh my god. Mike?"
"It took me awhile to track you down, Emylee," Mike smiled as he took off his scarf.
Lee pulled up in the truck. "Miss me?" Lee asked.
"I'm happy to see you," I smiled.
"Finally, somebody with class," Lee smiled.
"Mike, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I've come to take you home," Mike replied holding out my Samuraizer. "We need you, Em."
"But I have to avenge Adam's death," I nodded.
"I'll do that for you," Barney nodded. "You have my word."
I smiled. "I'm going to miss you guys," I smiled. "Thank you." I looked at Lee. "I'm going to miss you the most." I hugged Lee. "Call me sometime and we can hang out. Let me know how the operation went."
"Emylee," Mike nodded. "Time to go."
"Bye guys," I smiled. I turned around went with Mike. He put his arm around me. We walked a few feet and I looked back at the crew. I smiled and nodded. "Time to go." Mike and I walked to a helicopter with the Shiba house symbol on it. "You came all the way to Russia to look for me?"
"I'll move halfway around the world for you," Mike replied as we were in the air. "So, what exciting things have you seen?"
"I wouldn't necessary call it exciting," I replied. I took of my swords. "It's more like sad and heartbreaking, actually."
"Why?" Mike asked. "Did little Emylee want to come back home?"
"Mike, I wanted to come back," I nodded. "But not after what happened."
"What happened?" Mike asked. I handed him the letter and he read it. "This doesn't explain anything."
"Adam used his dying breath to tell me about that letter," I replied. "He never told me why he wrote it."
"What was his dying breath?" Mike asked, obviously, still not shocked that his best friend had died. "Em, what was it?"
"The last thing he said was the letter, in my pocket and that was it," I nodded. "I don't know if I could ever do what Adam did. He was so strong."
"And?" Mike questioned.
"Mike, he sacrificed his life for his team," I replied.
"Team?" Mike asked. "Well then."
"He sacrificed his life for the best asset on the team," I realized.
"Who would that be?" Mike asked. I looked at him with the are you serious? face. "Seriously?"
"I got the package when I triggered a bomb and I had fifty four seconds," I replied. "No one else would have been able to do that."

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