Chap 11 "Rebuilding A Relationship"

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Emylee's POV
"Yeah," I nodded. "Mentor, you have to let me being Blake here and explain to him."
"It's just too dangerous," Mentor replied.
"You let these two bozos in," Lee replied pointing at Gunner and Caesar. I chuckled. "She even knows what I'm talking about."
"Yeah, I do," I nodded.
"Kinda like the women in the village with the gun," Barney replied. "We were safer in front of their guns. They were shooting, but completely missed." I looked at Barney. "They couldn't shoot very well."
"That's the difference between us and them," Mia replied. "We like our swords. A better grip and we never miss."
"Exactly," I nodded in agreement. "But Mentor, give Blake a chance."
"Alright," Mentor nodded. "Bring him over." I smiled and so did Mike. "In the meantime, suit up and go out there and practice."
"Yes sir," I smiled. We got in our training gear and started to practice. Barney, Gunner, and Caesar went to go prep the plane and would come back to pick up Lee. "Okay, who am I taking on today?"
"It's your first day back," Jayden smiled. "Why don't you take a pick?"
"Oh boy," Mike groaned.
I pointed my wooden bamboo sword at Mike. "You," I smiled. "Come on. You called yourself Mighty Green. Tell me you can still take me on." We got into position. "Go!" We started fighting. "Ha!" Mike blocked every possible move I made and caused me to drop my stick. He had his sword at my neck. "Nicely done." I looked at his sword and back at him. "But you have forgotten already."
"Huh?" Mike asked. I dropped and swiped his feet out from under him. I grabbed my sword and held it at him. "Caught off-guard."
I saw Blake standing at the entrance. "Hey," I  replied. I relaxed and helped Mike up. "Let me just do something really quick."
"Emylee, that was great," Lee nodded as he hugged me. "I could see why Church let you specialize in using Samurai Swords as your choice of weapon."
"Because I'm good at it," I nodded. There was a honk. "That's your ride."
"Yeah," Lee nodded. "See you around Emy!"
"Bye Lee," I smiled as he left. "Alright."
"Let me explain," Blake and I both said as we met halfway.
I sighed. "You go first," I nodded.
"I was acting childish and foolish and should've been more mature about it," Blake sighed. "I should've understood that it was business, it was work. You couldn't change the rules for anyone."
"Blake, never, would I ever in a million years betray whatever promises you and I have made over the past years," I nodded. "Yes, you're right; you should've been more mature about it instead of jumping to conclusions." I could feel Mike agreeing with every word I said. "Not only am I in pain from what you told me but what you told me Adam said." Blake dropped his head. "Adam didn't say any of that stuff did he?"
"No," Blake sighed. "I was trying to find a way to get you to talk to us."
"Well, Mike, I think another knife has been stabbed into my heart," I sighed.
Mike came up beside me and put his arm around me. "You'll be okay, Emylee," Mike whispered. "You'll be okay."
"Another? What do you mean?" Blake asked. "Is there something I didn't get the memo on?"
"Yeah, since you're not feeling any sadness at all," Mia replied.
"Wait, what?" Blake asked.
"Not only was Adam's betrayal not real, he also died," I stated. "Adam passed away in my arms." I looked at Blake. "Your best friend had died in my arms with words still unspoken and with you telling me a lie, it makes it that much harder to trust you."
"Emylee, I would like to rebuild our relationship and start where we left off," Blake replied.
"We can't just start right with where we left off, Blake," I replied. "With me finding out everything now, how could we?"
"Yeah, and Emylee and I are going to build up our relationship as a couple," Mike nodded.
"Yeah," I smiled. "Wait, what?!"
The other rangers, plus Mentor, were laughing. "Too soon?" Mike asked.
"No, I just never expected for our boyfriend/girlfriend relationship to start like this," I smiled. "But I'll take that invitation and say let's go for it."
"You take care of this little situation first," Mike nodded. "And then we can go." I nodded as Mike kissed my cheek. "Let's go inside guys. The two kids need some space to talk."
They all went inside but Blake and I. "Blake, when you said that I betrayed you, it hurts," I nodded. "But now that I know the full story, I can clearly see that it was the other way around. You betrayed me, Blake." I sighed and walked to the house doors. "Our relationship is going to need more that just rebuilding. But a simple I'm sorry and I'll call you will have to do for now." I walked inside and closed the doors. I walked into the common room. "Instead of a unoriginal couples first date dinner, why not just order pizza and have dinner here as a family once again?" Everyone agreed and we ordered five large pizzas. "So, how has everyone been?"
"You sure are happy after having a talk with pretty boy out there," Antonio replied. "Any particular reason why you decided to stay inside?"
"We all know Mike isn't really good with going with the flow on dates," I smirked.
"Sitting right here," Mike nodded. We smiled and he put his left arm around me, since it was the only arm without a slice of pizza. "But it is true."
"I decided a pizza party with my rangers and Mentor is the only cure I need," I smiled. "At least I know that not one of you is going to or will ever betray me like Blake has betrayed me."

A/N: This is the end of this story. I will be working on a new story as soon as I possibly can. I do have some ideas in mind. I hope you've enjoy this as much as I did writing it. More coming really soon. Happy Reading xoxo ~Alexis

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