Chap 3 "A Day With Mike"

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Emylee's POV
I gotta admit, spending the night with Emi in my old room brought back a lot of childhood memories. I showered and got dressed in jeans, black flats, a light yellow cami, and a black cardigan. I went down to the living room. "Hey sis," I smiled.
"Hey, when's Mike coming over?" Emi asked. His name always brought a smile to my face. "Are you going to tell me?"
"I'm not sure," I smiled. Honestly, over the years, Mike and I spent so much time together since we became Samurais. I did develop feelings for him but I'm not sure about Mike. "He'll be over soon though." I sat down next to her. "Why are you excited to see my best friend?"
"It's been years," Emi replied. "We look more alike now than we did years ago."
The doorbell rang. "That must be him," I smiled. "Go ahead Emi."
"Yay," Emi smiled. She opened the door. "Hey Mike."
"Hey Emi, is your sister here?" Mike asked.
"Well, boo," Emi frowned. "People usually can't tell us apart. How'd you do that?" Mike smiled as he walked in and sat in the chair next to me. "Can you answer my question?"
"You and Emylee do have a lot of features in common," Mike nodded as he put a green gift bag on the table. "But Emylee has dimples when she smiles."
"Not very many people notice that," I smiled. "Blake got us mixed up all day yesterday." Mom and Dad walked in. "Mike made it today."
"Mike," Mom smiled as she hugged him. Dad and Mike shook hands. "Glad you could make it."
Mike grabbed the gift bag off the table. "I got you carnation and one of those Yankee cake pop candles," Mike smiled. "I remembered how much you like candles."
"That's very thoughtful of you," Mom smiled. Our Samuraizers rang and Mike and I checked our own. "Go on."
"Sorry, Mom," I frowned.
"It's okay," Mom nodded and smiled. "Duty calls. Go on."
"Let's go," Mike responded. We ran to the Shiba house and walked inside. "Hey, we got your text."
"Glad you can make it," Mentor Ji replied. He was the one two watched over us. Jayden is the red, Kevin the blue, Mia the pink, Mike the green, and I'm the yellow. "We kinda need to start training."
"Why?" I asked.
"Don't ask, just do," Mike replied.
"Alright," I sighed. Mike and I sparred for a good half an hour. We sat down and Kevin walked in and started using the punching bag. He started kicking. "Nice footwork, Kev."
"It's all about practice," Kevin nodded.
"I need more water," Mike replied. He was drinking from a cup. It was empty but he kept using the straw making the slurping noise. "Kev, do you ever take a break?"
"Every second that you're not training, is a second wasted," Kevin replied.
"Okay," Mike stretched. "Don't blow a gasket."
"You're determined Kevin," I smiled. "That's all that should matter."

Mike's POV
I kept slurping the drink until I was sure nothing else was in the cup. "Alright, Kev," I sighed as I put the cup down. Emylee was stretching as she watched us. "Let's see if your practice makes perfect."
We started sparring. I had Kevin in a head lock and Mia ran in on us. "Hey Mia," Emylee replied as she got up. "Mia, what's wrong?"
"I can't find Jayden," Mia replied.
"Let's get changed and go check the city," Emylee nodded. Emylee and I changed and we went to the city. "Where else would Jayden go?"
"I don't know," I replied. My Samuraizer rang and I picked up. "Hello."
"We found Jayden," Mia replied. "He was at the cafe. Mentor said free day for the rest of the day."
"Alright," I replied and hung up. "Mentor says we have a free day."
"Alright," Emylee smiled. "Well, it is your day. What do you wanna do?"
"Let's go to an arcade," I smiled. Her phone started ringing. "Who is that?"
"It's not a ranger," Emylee nodded. She picked up her iPhone 5s. "Hello?" She looked at me. "Yeah, I never leave home without it." She nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'll go and see him." She hung up. "Uhm..."
"Emylee, what is it?" I asked.
"Uhm, we have to go to the detention center," Emylee replied as we started walking. "Mom got a letter my uncle and he asked for me to go and see him as soon as the letter arrived."
"Hey," I said stopping her. Her eyes were getting watery. "Em, I'm here for you. I'll be there by your side."
"Promise?" she asked. I nodded. We went to the detention center and met up with her uncle. "Uncle Lee, you okay?"
"I didn't think you were going to show," Lee replied. "But I'm fine. Taking it day by day, I suppose."
"Trial might be over but Mom told me what the letter said," Emylee replied. She got two pictures from her pocket and gave them to her uncle. "Think of Krista and Ben. Be good, and you can get out early and still have time to be a father to them."
"Is he one of your saving the world buddies?" Lee asked.
"Yes, sir, and my best friend," I smiled. "I guess being a Samurai deals with family."
"I was the youngest brother," Lee nodded. "I was a yellow ranger, once. Filled in for your mother when she was severely injured."
"I remember that," she nodded. "But keep the pictures. Take it easy, alright?"
"Thank you, Emylee," Lee nodded.
"No problem, Uncle Lee," Emylee nodded. We left the center. "That was harder than I thought."
"You face your fears every single day as a Samurai," I smiled. "Remember the nighlok who only feeds on fear?" She nodded. "You weren't affected."
"Because I was in a mask," Emylee replied.
"Emylee, mask or not, you were yourself," I smiled. "That's all you need to be, okay? Just be yourself."

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