Chap 4 "Wrong Place Right Time"

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Emylee's POV
"Can we just go to the arcade and get my mind off things?" I asked. "I just don't want to worry about things right now." Mike nodded. We went to the arcade. Blake and Adam where there. "Hey guys."
"Hey," Adam smiled as he hugged me. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Emylee wanted to get her mind off things, so we came here," Mike smiled. I watched him play a video game and he killed the opponent. "That's what I call sensing an attack."
"So, where have you guys been?" Blake asked. "You're barely at school and you're never at home."
"It's a long story," I replied.
"Come on," Adam replied. "Tell us." I looked at Mike and Mike looked at me. "You guys aren't together, are you?"
"No, no," Mike replied. "No."
"It's just the thing we're both in," I replied. "We just don't know how to explain it."
"Come on," Mike replied. He got us all a drink and we sat in the outside food court. "We joined this great team. They're all so talented." I looked at Mike as he sat beside me. "It's intimidating."
"I'm intimidating?" I asked. "That's hard to believe."
"Oh, come on," Blake replied. "Don't sweat it. You're the best gamer around." I raised a brow. "You always read the game's moves and then you drop some greater smack down on them."
Adam and Blake high fives. "I can't sense an attack like Kevin," Mime replied.
"Who's Kevin?" Adam asked.
"You know we do have to go back, right?" I asked. "You'll get stronger in due time."
"I won't let my team down," Mike replied.
"I've never seen you this serious before," Blake nodded. "Both of you."
"I'll take some getting used to," Mike assured. "But protecting the entire world from evil, it's a big deal."
"Protecting the world from evil?" Adam asked. "Well, what video game is that?"
"This is harder than we thought," I sighed. A nighlok showed up. Mike and I jumped up from our seats. "Oh no."
"What is that?" Blake asked.
"Nighlok," Mike replied.
"Nigh-what?" Adam asked.
"Nighlok," I replied looking at the guys. "The monster we were telling you about."
"Let's get out of here," Blake replied.
"I'll be right back," Mike replied as he ran towards the nighlok.
"Mike, what for the team!" I exclaimed.
"I'll take care of this guy alone!" Mike yelled.
Blake and Adam were going to get blast since they got out of hiding from being the table. "You're running the wrong way," the nighlok replied.
"Not on my watch," I nodded. The nighlok shot, but I blocked the attack by sending out my stone wall symbol power. "Think again."
"Emylee?" Adam asked as I stood in front of them with my back towards them. "Don't do this to yourself."
"If you wanna hurt them, you gotta go through me," I replied. I got put my Samuraizer. "Go, go Samurai!" I morphed into my yellow suit. "Ranger ready!"

Adam's POV
"Emylee, this isn't a video game," I replied.
Emylee looked at me in her yellow suit with a helmet. "This isn't a video game, Adam," she replied. "This is real life." I looked at her. "Now, take cover behind that table."
"Okay," Blake replied.
"I'm coming, Mike!" Emylee ran towards the nighlok.
"What did she say that monster was again?" I asked sitting with my back against the table.
"A nighlok," Blake replied. We peered over the table to see a pink, red, and a blue ranger helping them out. "And she's a ranger?"
"Maybe that's the thing she couldn't tell us," I nodded. "What do you think?"
"Maybe," Blake nodded. After a good thirty minutes, Emylee walked over to us. She was in her regular clothing. Both her and Mike helped us up. "What was that?"
"Can you please don't freak out?" Mike asked.
"Ranger," I sighed. "Samurai." I pointed at Mike and Emylee. "Your the Samurai Power Rangers. That's the big secret."
"But you can't tell anyone or let anyone know that you know," Mike replied. "Or you will be in danger."
"That monster, that thing," Blake nodded. "That's what you save the world from."
"What you saw is the long armed nighlok," Emylee replied. "He's gone for now but he will be back."
"Meaning, we need to be ready when he does," a guy in a blue jacket walked up to us.
"This is Kevin," Mike replied. "But we should get back to the dojo." He looked at Emylee. "Are you coming with?"
"I think I'm going to talk to Adam," Emylee replied. "They both look like they could use a little explaining."
"Yeah," Mike smiled. "Okay."
"I'll be there later to practice," Emylee nodded. They left. "Adam, Blake, come with me." We walked inside the mall and sat down at a table. "What do you want to know?"
"A Samurai Ranger," Blake replied. "Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?"
"Me, Samurai Ranger, when I was fifteen, here in the city," Emylee replied. "My mom was the yellow ranger, she passed it down to her older daughter, and I think you know why."
"But don't you get injured?" I asked.
"If we aren't morphed," Emylee nodded. "I mean, we get hurt more if we aren't in our suit." Her phone rang. "Sorry." She got out her ranger phone and looked at it. "I'll be right there."
"Something wrong?" I asked.
"It's Mike," Emylee replied. "Something is wrong with him. I'll see you guys later."
"Oh, okay," I nodded as Emylee ran off. "Who would've thought that she would be the yellow ranger?"
"Little Emylee," Blake sighed.
"She was in the wrong place at the right time," I nodded. "She's pretty brave to go up against that monster."
"It's her job to," Blake nodded.
"I know but I never knew our girl, the one we grew up with, would be such a bad ass," I smiled. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around that though."

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