All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 24

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                                       CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR

 This one gets a little screy :/ But no worries! Alls well that ends well. Then again, who says this will end well...?

Moreover, I spent the last few days doing nada but writing this story, staying up till 3 AM to bring you more of dear Lias misadventures. I decided two days ago that I officially want to turn this into a real book to be published. Im going to change up the Cullens, Volturi and the three bad vamps so its not copywriting, and alter the story details a bit surrounding them all, once Im dont with this. Please leave comments and tell me what you think of this plan of mine, and this story. I would love to hear my fans opinion on the matters, and I would like to use people as the new characters if they want. But note- the characters will stay in the same age, and I may take out or add to some of the groups. Im thinking only two bad vamps, a guy and girl, and more in the Volturi gang, but mixed genders and different ages/situations (like how Jane and Alec are twins, I wont have that). Thanks, and Im glad for all the support and readers out there!!! :)

MUWAH!!! -Haeley :)

          All I remember is being… Thirsty. So thirsty my throat burned like it was ablaze. Aro was in front of me, leaning over my still body. Alec, Dimitri, Jane, and Clause joined him in an instaint. It took me a second to gather my bearings and realize where I was. I sat up faster than I had intended, so quickly Jane and the others, all but Aro, flew back and beared their fangs in a defensive posture. Usually that would shock me, since they never show me their fangs (mostly because Aro wont allow them to get out of control around me). I awaited my head to spin and my vision to bruise up for a second or two until I took a few breaths and steadied myself, but my head kept clear and perfect. Too perfect. So unbelievably perfect that colors seemed sharper and brighter, like someone turned an extra set of lights on in a dim room.

          Not a millisecond after the others backed away I lept up, a hiss escaping my twisted mouth. The action shocked me, but Aro laughed cheerily. I turned to him, cocking my head to one side and inspecting him thoroughly. He began to take a step towards me and panic hit me. I hissed again, but this one felt odd. My mouth was more open and wider, my jaw set at a weird angle. And my teeth…

          Correction: my fangs. Shock swept over me. The deathly sharp inch-long K9ers could cut diamonds. I touched one with my tounge and cried out. “No!” My voice was different, too. So clear and light, it sounded more like a song than a cry. “What have you done to me?” I added, hating and loving the sound of my voice at the same instant. Aro held out his arms. “I gave you the gift of immortality.” He said so simply youd think he was telling me what color his shirt was (brown).

          “Come darling daughter- you must be dying for a meal.” A meal. That didn’t sound normal. It sounded inhumane and animistic. But the mere thought of blood made the heat rise in my body, sending a spurge of want and need throughout me. I had to have it. Now. But then my mind somehow flashed to another matter. Edward. I was just with him… What could have happened to him? Surely he attempted to keep me there and not allow Aro to take me. But here am.

          So where is he?

          “Where is Edward?” My tone was naturally harsh, but I didn’t care. If Jane Alec Dimitri and Clause were afraid of me, then I should be able to fight my way away from them. But where would I go? If I left and went out in daylight, people would notice my skin shimmering like a my skin was made out of diamonds. Plus the extra fact of I would be so bloodthirsty I would murder every breathing thing with a pulse in a fifty mile radius. No, I decided, I cant go. Not yet, atleast.

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