All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 7

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Be prepared... It's coming!!!!!!

I do apologize for any grammer mistakes:)

you know the drill, comment vote fan:)

Lias life is getting so weird... It's taking a turn for- no wait, I don't think I should tell you that! But trust me... You will not be expecting this...


I couldn't help the shock that overtook me on the ride home. My whole body felt fridged and stiff. My thoughts raced but I couldn't seem to keep them in order or speak. Edward looked over worridly at me. "Lia. Are you okay?" There was much care and nurturing love in his voice. "I don't know." I whispered and shook my head. I closed my eyes. "Please Lia... Talk to me." Begged Edward. I never heard so much agony and. Desperation in his collected sweet symphony voice. I couldn't resist it.

"Im so sorry." I whispered and felt soft tears flow to my eyes. Gosh, I can't remember the last time I cried. Maybe years.

Edward pulled the car to an abrupt stop and pulled me into his arms. "Dont be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for." Soothed Edward with compassion. "I should have been there sooner. I should know not to leave you out at night this late. This place is probobly teeming with wild vampires. It's been so long since we've been here."

Confused, I asked: "Youve been here before?" I asked, my voice muffled by his shirt. "Yes. This is our territory." He explained a bit reluctant. "It dosnt matter though," he quickly added. "Were backnow andthats what counts."

I nodded in agreement. The feel of his arms around me was so good... I wanted to stay here, like this, forever. But of course, life never seems to go the way you want it to, and that's just the way God made it go. My cell phone rang out and I reached for it white trying to stay in his arms. He laughed and let me go, patting my shoulder.

"Hello?" I mumbled. "Are you alright? Where are you?" Alice asked through the speaker. Other voices apeared in the backround, arguing and talking. "Let me see, Alice-" Esme took the phone from Alice and spoke to me. "Sweetie hurry home. We'll have Carlisle take a look at you okay?" Esme said in a motherly tone.

I nodded my head although she couldn't see it. "Yes ma'm." I replied with manners to the polite woman who raised me like her own. We hung up the phone and I relized that Edward was already driving, and almost home. He must have heard the convorsation.

We didn't speak the whole rest of the way home, but I kind of liked it that way. I was relived that he wouldn't push me to talk about it anymore... Even though it'll be a total riot once we arrive back home. Everyone will poun me down with insane and instantanious questions. But Im gonna have to have Carlisle check out my neak. Dang, that vamp is one bad ass guy. Taking me on like that, despite his companions warnings and my threats. He had one hell of a grip too.

As the black Volvo skimmed into the drive the sound of crunching gravel gave us away. Esme was the first out of the house; on me like a hawk. She hugged me and held me in her sweet arms in a maternal, motherly fasion. "Oh darling, are you okay?" Esme asked worridly. I nodded then remembered how much my neak hurt after the sharp jab hit me. I winced.

"Lets have Carlisle check you out for injurys." Esme peddled me into the open home, into my crowding vampire family. They all embraced me warmly, despite their icy textures. "Who did it? Did you catch a name?" Jasper questioned. "No," I coughed out. I began breathing hevily, heaving in and out. "Your okay, your going to be fine..." Rosalie trailed off. She could be nurturing sometimes even though she's a natural snob. She really couldn't help that though; she hated what she was.

Carlisle guided me upstairs, the family on our heels.

As Carlisle sat me down in one of his rooms, I removed my jacket and fixed my coler to where my neck was expoased. A rush of odd fantasys bulged into my mind, ones that imensly pleased me. I saw me sitting with my neak now expoased, and Edward leaning down. His fangs slid down into his mouth (something Ive only seen four times my entire life, by Edward anyways.) and he pressed his lips to my neak. This was the hot, sexy moment that made living with Edward not knowing my desire for him was worth, knowing maybe dome day this may happen. I could care less for the pain. As long as I could be with Edward and my family forever and ever.

I slipped from my rash dreams as Carlisle touched my neak softly, but even his soft touch burned the sensitive skin. "Oh my," Carlisle examined my skin. "What is it?" My voice was strained from the pressure applied by James before.

"You have some quite severe bruises. I can even make out hand marks." He answered. I heard sorrowful sighs and gasps from all around the room, and Esme covered her lips with one manicured hand. "But- let me see, please." I was going to ask if I could still go to school, but stopped myself. I got up and walked out to the bathroom where I glared at the reflections harsh wounds.

A vampire did this to me.

Carlisle wasn't joking when he said you are able to see the hand marks in the bruises. Large hands were visable on my neak line, violent colors apppearing. "Wow." I muttered. It's really all I could get out at the time.

"I need some sleep." I mumbled goodnights to everyone and went up to my lush bedroom. It was decorated in rich colors and shades, earthy shades of brown and beige, and greens and other soothing colors. I had the most comfertable bed sheets and comfeter in the world, and a few posters up about. Things I like. One was a blown up and framed photo of the whole family in France next to the Eiffel Tower during a lovely fireworks show. Another was a poster of my favorite book serise, Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. My absolute favorite though, was a picture of Edward and I in Alaska after a major snowball fight. I of course was soaked with cold snow slush, while Edward remained practicly clean. But boy, was that fun. I missed Alaska so much.

I layer down in my bed and feel right to sleep, exhausted. Dreams of Edward and me as a vampire filled my head.

Thanks for reading guyss! Hope you enjoyed it, and gimme some inspiration! Follow me! :)

It would be nice to hear anything y'all have to say, and thanks again for reading! Keep up with the chapters!

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