All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 8

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I think this chapter is funny, but kinda sad too. Hope you like it bunches!!! Vote comment like! Give me new ideas for what you think about it, and make wildbguesses about what you thinkll happen next or in the future! :) 

Just thought Id add this tid bit in here!!! Hope you like it!!!! 

Check out this video on YouTube: 

This is the song I always imagined for the All The Lovely Little Vampires theme song!!!! 


I went to school anyways, despite Carlisle and Esmes comments. They said for me to just stay home today and relax for a while. But I wasn't about to miss a day I spend mainly with Edward.  

I sat in first period with an awkward feeling inside of me. I was wearing a furry long sheepskin wool skarf, but I still felt like people were staring at me. What would peoe think if they saw my bruises? Would they think I was abused by my parents? The bruises are much darker now since overnight, now purple and blue. 

I didn't pay much attention to what was going on in class, which I mainly got from my family. Being vampires and all they went through highschool a lot, so they knew everything there is to know and could afford to slack off all they wanted. I on the other hand couldn't, but did anyways. It didn't exactly help out my grades, but it was fun. 

Edward nudged me. "Twenty three." He whispered just as Mrs.Kellen called on me. "Ophilia, do you know the answer?" She asked, knowing good and well I wasn't paying attention one little but. Heck, Im not even sure what freaking class Im in. "Twenty three." I answered with dignity, as if to say 'eat your heart out, Mrs.Kellen. I knew the answer and you were wrong.' 

Even though I cheated. But Edward can't stand to see me fail. I don't like to put pressure on him about constantly checking on me and giving me the answers. I felt bad about it and began to pay attention to what the teacher was doing. 

Lunch came around and I sat at the table with the crew. I never really ate lunch since the people I sat with didn't need it. Over the years I became adapted to never really eating lunch. 

I sat in almost silence at the smallish round cafetiria when my table mates glanced up and I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind me. I looked up wand saw Bella looking awkward. "Hey Lia," She greeted. "Whats up Bella." I told her, a bit bewildered of why she came over here. We were generaly never bothered. "Do you wanna come sit over with us today?" Bella pointed over to the table a small way across the room where a few other people sat. Two girls and three guys. 

I didn't want to, not at all. Why would I want to go over to some other table with a bunch of humans I don't even know? Only Bella would be there, but it would still be weird. 

Emmett chuckled low under his breath, obviously finding at amusing that I was put in this awkward situation. I shot him a wary 'shut up ya big lug' look, with a dash of 'go to hell, jerk' 

I looked back at Bella, who began fidgeting nervously. I felt kinda bad for her. 

"No thanks Bella." I grinned kindly. I'm not rude enough to blow her off like a snob. Bella leaned back on her heels about to walk away when a voice came, "Why don't you sit here today, Bella?" Alice chimed in the recently ended convorsation. Bella looked happy, but her eyes seemed exctatic. Did she want to sit with me that badly? 

Alice gestured sweetly for her to sit anywhere she liked, and Bella pulled a chair up from another close empty table. She scooted in between Edward and I. No, she just didn't do that. 

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