All The Lovely Little Vampires Finally chapter 36

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                                          CHAPTER THIRTY SIX

 This is it! The very last chapter in ATLLV! Shmowzow! Hope you like it, but be prepared fo a major cliff hanger! Please tell me what you think about it! Ill be adding up the second book, All The Wicked Little Vampires, ASAP. Also, speak your mind in the comment box below. I <3 feedback (especially good feedback!)

          Arriving home never felt so good before. Everything seemed sharper, more wonderful. Edwards loving hand on my back felt more caressing, and my family’s happy smiles to have me safely returned gave me a more elated feeling of hope. I have a set time. I have time, just enough, to be human still. Then I can become a vampire with Edward. My dream. This was all I ever wanted, and I always believed it was entirely out of reach. It still irked me that Edward and the others so easily gave in to letting me become a vampire. I suppose that knowing Aro's plans, and seeing that it was either me become a bloodthirsty monstrous vampire with Aro, or the alternative with them, then they chose the latter without a second thought.

          I flocked to the living room and fell onto the couch with a happy sigh, Edward taking the spot left of me, Esme on the right. Both of them put their arms around me, snuggling closer, and a laughed, returning the embrace. “Oh Lia, I was so worried. I thought we couldn’t make it in time.” There was a definite note in her voice indicating how much she believed I was good as dead, but it was masked by the bliss for the most part. “Oh, mom, I’m so glad to be back home.” I smiled and laid my head on her shoulder, her cool skin feeling sweet and nice on mine. I bent my neck down to rest on her, and a sharp pain jerked me upright. My hand went to my neck without thinking, feeling two jagged holes in return.

          Right. I had nearly forgotten, as if I were to be so lucky. My brow creased as I felt them. They were healing well, no infections, but it still hurt tremendously. Strigoi fangs were longer than vampire ones, and these holes would most likely leave a permeate scar on me. They were staring to scab over already, however, which was a good sign. Yet I could still feel the dents. “Will it feel like that?” I asked quietly to no one in particular. They didn’t seem to understand what I meant. “Like what, Lia?” Esme returned.

          “When Emil bit me… Will your bite feel like that?” I stared at the coffee table in front of me. Edward shook his head. “No. I’m afraid it’ll hurt a lot worse.” Hurt a lot worse. Wow. I guess I’m up for more of a challenge than I expected. “How bad…?” I pursued. Jasper and Alice joined us then, both sitting gracefully on the loveseat a few feet before ours. “Not that bad. The venom will sting and all, but it’ll feel like… Hmm…” Alice contemplated on what to compare the bites sensations to, and Jasper intervened. “It feels like a small burning sensation, like you’re a little too close to a fire. But not hot enough to really scorch you.” Alice beamed at him. “You’re so smart.” She grinned, and kissed him lightly on the nose, earning herself a toothless smile back. I couldn’t help a grin at them. I hope Edward and I will be that in tune and adorable one day. So comfortable with each other.

          “Well, at least it won’t hurt too badly.” I shrugged, and Edward took my hand in his. He played his fingers along my soft palms. “I’ll be there the whole time. And we can give you drugs to cancel out most of the pain, if it’ll work.” Drugs. I suppose being doped up would help ease the sting of it. As long as I’m still conscious through the turning and all. Ill want to remember it. “Yes, well, we’ve never tried that option before. The venom may eat through the drugs, though. We’ll just have to see.” Jasper alleged.

          Turning. I remembered my spare time, and Aro’s lenience. Changing the subject, I spoke my mind. “I’m just glad you all know about Aro’s plan now. I don’t have to worry about it any longer.” The curiosity I felt back in Voluretta retuned, stronger now.

          “Hey, by the way, how were you able to strike a deal like that with Aro? He was just going to do all that anyways, but he gave so much up for nothing. How did you get him to give me some more human time?”

          Esme and Edward exchanged oh-man glances. I took a breath to peruse this, and then Carlisle came into view. “Lia…” He trailed off. I knew by the look on his face he wanted to explain something to me, but he was having trouble finding the words. I sat up from the couch, leaning forward. “What is it?” I pressed. There always had to be some sort of ulterior motive, or circumstance. One thing more that I’ll have to get used to once I’m turned. Rosalie and Emmett entered the room now, leaning against each other. Even their faces were aghast. This had to be worse than finding out what Aro had in store for me.

          “Lia, when you were missing, Alice had to search for any leads.” He began. Okay, I knew this. Alice racked her future seeing powers to find me. I expected this. “And when she did, she saw something very…. Well, both worrisome and interesting.” He added. Worrisome and interesting? Nothing came directly to mind at that. K remained silent for him to go on. “Well, Lia, it’s not entirely unheard of, really just sort of a taboo, but you’re pregnant with a vampire child.”

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