All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 6

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Some new charactors are being introduced!!! Some shady peeps, that's for sure...!

Comment fan vot, comment fan vote! I hope you guys could leave me some comments...? Thanks for all the reads, guys! Keep up with Lia's complicated life, and see what's gonna happen when Aro comes into the picture... Oh chain reaction timeeee! Uhh ohh, Ive already said too much! Haha, hope y'all like my work! Take a guess at what you think is gonna happe n in the comment box! Not thy Ill ever tell:) *evil laugh*

ohh, and Ive got another story coming soon! Can I get a WOOT WOOT?! It's about cloning and a big adventure with lives on the line, a dash if romance and some awkward love situations! Coming soon (haha no no name yet, that'll be later on).

Now now, enough boring authors note! Well, gotta go write some more! *runs and hides*


A sick feeling twisted around in the bottom of my stomach. That night when my parents were murdered came back to me in a flood of horrid memorys. The blood stained clothing my mother wore as she begged me to hide from the monster, then left to face her sure death, hoping that maybe she and my father would suffice as enough food. The sounds penitrating through my wall- the sounds Ill never forget. Then there was Edward. Strong, brave, handsome... Then the bad one. The strigoi man. The deep petrifying red eyes, the aura surrounding them that made me feel alone and scared, the way they naturally became the dominent one, the preditor.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to run for my life, because I knew what was coming for me. The red eyes indicated that for me. But... I just couldent. My feet wouldn't let me. My mind scremed "Go, you idiot, GO!!!" but my body was frozen with fear. And then he reached me. He was a man, around 25 or so when he was turned it looked. He had dark blonde hair that went below his shoulders tied back with a band. He wore modern clothing and a leather jacket. "Hello." he greeted me with his sing-songy voice. "Whats a cute young girl like you doing out alone at night, hmm?"

"I-" I began.

"Shhh," he cut me off. "Come, me and my friends with escort you home." he grinned. But matched with those eyes it made me nausous. He had friends with him. Other vampires. "I know what you are!" I exlaimed as he reached for my arm. He was obviously taken by surprise. "And what is that?" he sneered. "Im not stupid. Your a vampire and your trying to feed on me." I snapped back truthfully. Laughter erupted behind me and I swivled around to see a woman with bushy red hair appear. "Dont play with the food James." She said through clenched jaws. "Calm down, Victoria." another vampire came from my last remaining side. I was trapped between three ravanous wild vampires and a brick wall. I would have better luck trying to get through the brick wall.

"She said she knows we are vampires comig to eat her." he chuckled, as if I was compleatly off base. "Im hungry. Let's just eat her already." Victoria snapped without concent or reflection to James's comment. James rolled his crimson red eyes. "Dont you dare t-touch me!" I screeched. "I am under the protection of the Cullen Clan, and if you dare lay a single cold finger on me they'll know you were on their territory. Your traspassing on another vampires land." I threatened. I think I ran it home, because something like fear flickered in Victoria and James's faces. I didn't see the other one but Im sure he was thinking the same thing; oh shit.

"Thats right bud, Im under vampire protection. You lay a finger on me and not only will you be dealing with the Cullens, but Aro and the Volturi too." I finished, taking advantage of the silence. "In fact," I remembered Edward. "one of them are on their way right now to get me. He should be here about now." I loved the feeling of knowing I now have power over the hungry wild vampires who want to eat me alive. But I spoke to soon. It happened so fast I almost didn't have time to react. The feeling of cold granite fingers clutching my throught, squeezing around my neak. James grinned medisticly and lifted me up farther from the ground with his one hand. I was pressed up against the bri k wall behind me. "James, that may not be the best idea if she's under the protection of the Volturi." the other man vampire warned. He stepped close enough for me to get a better look at him. He was a black man with long thick dreadlocks. He looked a tad more sane than the other two. "Shutup, Laurant. I'll do as I please; the humans probobly lying anyways." James growled.

My eyes went blurry as the air circulation stopped from my lungs and my blood cut off in my neak and head. I felt woozey, like my head was about to explode. My ears rang and I made involitary choking noises.

Edward, Edward, Edward save me...

Just then I saw bright headlighs and heard the screetching of rubber to asphalt. I could hardly make out the car since it was jet black, but that's a good thing. Edwards car is jet black. Edward...

I felt a small wet drop fall onto my shoulder and looked up, as if to see something big and ferocious peering down at me like in all those scarey movies. I hate scarey movies. Another drop, but bigger now. Serval more it me before I noticed it was rain.

The car came to a loud halt and I saw the thing Ill never forget. Edward lept from the car and, with vampireic speed, took ahold of James by the coler of his leather jacket and yanked him off of me. I fell to the ground gasping for air. It hit my throat with sweet exticy, but a sharp pang of pain hit as I took in the oxygen. I began coughing and hacking in a fit. I watched as Edward and James stared wildly at eah other, and I sat there coughing up China.

"Leave her alone." Edward barked, furious. The rain began to come down harder, but I didn't care. I just sat there as the cold water dripped on my body. It acually felt kinda good. "Why? She's a human. Food. A snack." James listed. Hearing my self described as "food" and just "a snack" made me feel like up chucking Switzerland. Poor Swiss citizens.

"No she's not." Sneered Edward. Glee filled my soul, aside from the continuous coughing which was starting to slow itself down now. James let out a long anamistic chucke. "Lemme guess, she's your mate? Either that or "family"." I could hear the air quotes in his voice when he said family, but I was hung up on the word 'mate'. James thought we were mates. So it does happen, it's not just my own weird fantasy. Humans and vampires do get married and all that jazz. Haha... I heard from Emmett (yeah- don't ask) that vampire sex it's the best because vampires never get tired. So what would vampire /human sex be like? What if the human gets tired? I shook these thoughts from my mind and payed attention to what was going on just a few feet ahead of me.

Edward didn't answer James's silly question, only gave him a glare that warned 'back off or Ill rip you limb from limband burn the peices'. Victoria pulled me up by my hair and I held in a cry. She pushed me towords Edward roughly and he caught me in his arms. The fact that I would have bruises from where he touched me didn't matter. All that mattered was his arms around me ane his eyes on mine.

He put me in the car and closed the door. He said something to them I couldn't make out clearly enough and they exchanged worried glances with each other.

"I appologize for my comrades ill behavior. We won't be bothering your town again." Laurant asked formal forgivness on account of his idiot companions. Edward only gave a nod. "Go. And never come back." He demanded, and the group left faster than I could follow.

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