All The Lovely Little Vampires chapter 28

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                                         CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT

I know this chapter’s preeeeety short compared to the recent five page ones, but I couldn’t go on with this ending! You'll just have to wait! Heheh! J

          With all the confusion and fear that was running through my mind, the though of how disappointed Edward would be on my sudden premeditated departure. I could hardly bear the thought of his pain and shame on me for this. It sent a jab of cold pity and a ripping feeling in my heart, like stitches being torn apart by force. It sent tears to my eyes, and I wondered why Alec was here to fetch me instead of Aro, when I specifically asked for him, and he accepted my request without question. And why did Alec feel the intense need to take me roughly there?

          His hand still covered my mouth, even as we were beyond the towns limits in the forest. It was hard to struggle against his deathly grip in general, especially when we were traveling at vampire speed. Yet I tried my best to release myself, even if it meant flailing into open forest and dense trees with brutal force. In Alecs arms was the last place I wanted to be, and something was fishy about him being here and snatching me off and running away from the scene of the crime like a kid with the last cookie.

          Finally, as we neared the border between the Reservation and the Cullen’s territory, he stopped, still holding me from the back as prisoner. He pulled me away, to my surprise, and looked me dead in the eye with his ruby red ones. He examined me up and down and I shivered, feeling exposed like he had x ray vision. “W-what do you want… Why are we stopping?” I asked him cautiously, hoping to find out something, anything, about what was going on here. “I'm inspecting you.” He answered, oblivious to my heated face and mixed emotions. My stomach churned. “Why?” I continued.

          “For any other bites.”

          Other bites?! Like vampire bites?! Where did he get the idea I allowed vampires to bite me?! “I've never been bitten by a vampire in my life! I would be a vampire right now if I had, either that or dead!” I argued, raising my voice in the vast openness. No one was around, anyways. Unless the Quilitites by chance, since we were nearing their turf. Alec raised his brow at me, like I was a child who back sassed him. I shrunk under his gaze. “I don’t want my future wife to be… Contaminated.” He spat the last word like he was saying ‘cockroach’. What did he mean by that? “Contaminated?” I questioned him. “F-future wife?!” I added, realizing then what he said.

          Alec nodded. “I'm taking you away to someplace… Romania, of Greece maybe. We can begin our own clan there and rule.” His plans both shocked and slightly amused me. But this was no time for laughing. “No.” I stated like a defiant teenager to my parents. Alec gave me a stern, vicious glance, as if to say “What the hell did you just say…?”

          “I won’t. I'm going back home, to the Cullen’s. I don’t even want to go to Voluretta any longer. I want to go home.” I demanded. I knew my requests were ineffectual, but despite there futileness, I went on in vain. “I don’t want to go anywhere with you, and Id rather die than marry the likes of you!”

          That last bit earned me a slap in the face, hard enough to pinch like needles puncturing my skin and the heat up like a rash, but held back enough not to break any bones. I didn’t fall to the forest floor, only because he still held onto me. I winced and held my cheek, cradling it in defeat. “Don’t talk back to me.” He chastised me like an animal. “I'm sure once I turn you, you will be more respectful.” He told himself hopefully. Awesome. Now I'm wanted by three different vampire houses. I assume I didn’t get a choice in any of this, and I knew that both Aro and the Cullen’s would wager war to get me back.

          “I want to go home…” I whimpered. Alecs face twisted in disgust. “Yes,” He drawled out the word like an old aristocrat. “I can smell Edward Cullen all over you.”

          My face turned redder, and I felt embarrassed that he could literally smell Edward on my skin. What did that mean, anyways? I had no time to thin k it over, because Alec picked my up and ran again, into the Quilitite territory.

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