All The Lovely Little Vampires

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The waves of cold mist hit me as I walked outside next to my family- well, not my real family. When I was five years old my parents were murdured by a vampire. A strigoi, or evil vampire which can take on different forms, like invisability and animal transformation. Anyways I was kinda mentally scarred, whitnessing my parents brutal slaughter at such a young age. 

The deathly pale white man broke through one of the windows and attacked my father to the ground. After a minute of contemplating on weather to rush in curiously or cower under my bed like any other five year old little girl, my mother rushed in, blood covering her body- hers or dads I wasn't sure. She pushed me under my bed, against the dollhouses and stored clothes boxed up for winter time. "Stay here sweetie and don't come out for anything, no matter what you hear. Okay baby?" she said desperatly. I nodded, my thick curly hair flopping around my chiseled cheekbones. 

She ran out and locked the door behind her. I heard echoing screams that made my spine go numb and tingley, curling my blood and chilling me. I was thinking about running out to their rescue when the door shattered, wood splinters flying every way. I covered my mouth before a scream could fly out. 

Barley half a second passed after that until I felt myself being draged out by my scrawny ankles, my purple sundress lifting, gathering up at my waist. 

I'll never forget that face. That positivly wicked gleam in his eyes when he looked at me, blood Covering his face hands and most everywhere else. His garnet red eyes looked tranqulizing, parylizing my whole body with terror. I knew I would suffer my parents same fate. Alas, why would they belive a door and a bed would stop a hungry strigoi from feeding? 

The my bedroom window bust, blurry figures zooming inside faster than my simple human eyes could follow. The man over me fled, but one figure didn't follow his companions after the strigoi, and that figure was Edward. Edward Cullen, my best friend. Vampire since he was seventeen, and still so heartbreakingly lovely. 

And that's it. After that day the Cullens took me in as one of their own. Besides, it's not like any of them are even related, and they are all a family- well a coven... Yes of vampires. But the good ones. They only feed on undomesticated animals like deer and mountain lions. Stuff like that. I don't go by Cullen though. I still retain my origional name- Ophilia Williamson. 

Freshman in highscool, Forks Washington, Little dustbowl town you've probobly never even beard of before. 

"Lia?" Edward touched my shoulder. I returned to Earth. "Fine. I'm fine. Just feeling really nestolgic lately." I replied, straightening my black pea coat and earthy brown dress. It was made of sundress matirial, with layers that potted it at the bottom and it went down to my upper shins. I wore strappy flat heeless sandles, Alices choice of course. 

Edward uttered a sigh. "You worry me." He mumbled in his all to perfect voice, a trait of all vampires. "Oh, don't be so worried Edward. Out little Lia is just peachy!" Alice chimed, her usual perky self. "Yeah. The little shrimp is fine." Emmett joked, and I playfully punched his shoulder, only hurting my own hand. Hitting a vampire when your only a simple human is like hitting a brick wall. "Dont be so uptight Edward. Lias in highschool now. No more babying her." Rosalie, the perfect blonde added. The only ones missing were Jasper, the emotion guru, and Carlisle and Esme, the loving vampire parents of out little bundle of fun. 

"I know," Edward answered, "but I don't want her to get in any tight situations, or danger." He finished. I smiled down at my peticured toes, french tips on my hands and feet. Curtisy of all three girls. Rosalie went scarlet red, Alice black and Esme a light blue. I decided to go with the normal clear French tips. "None of us do. You just worry the most." Alice noted in her beautiful voice. " I can't help it. She's an uncoordinated accident maginet." Stated Edward. 

Emmett ruffled my hair and I stumbled forward, luckily having Edward beside me to catch me and lift me back up and resume walking. " Your not helping, Emmett." I laughed. 

Emmett grinned and shrugged, his muscular body rippling handsomly. "Whatever. I'm not here to serve you, short stack." he chuckled. " You just wait. I'll grow." I pointed my index finger up in the air knowingly. 

"And what? Take me on? You'll still be a weak little human girl! Haha weaaaaaklingggg!" Emmett grinned masculinely. "Just wait until I become a vampire." The words slipped out under my breath before I could stop them, but they all heard me perfectly. A human can't trick a vampires ears. 

"Ill never allow you to become a monster." Edward said through cleanched jaws. Annoyance rose in my cheast. " You can't control my life!" I shot back. Edward turned on me, and our group came to an abrupt halt. "but I can control your undeath. And it's not going to happen. I'll never let you go through that kind of pain." 

"But I want to... I want to be with you forever-" I felt hot blodd rush to my cheeks. "I-I mean all of you." I corrected. I secretly was totally in love with Edward, not that anyone could ever find out. That would be super awkward. It's a good thing Edward can't read my mind, of all people. What a blessing.

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