Chapt. 20 - Zoe

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Sorry about chpt. 20. I wrote it from my computer after usually writing from my phone & it fxcked it up so I'm redoing it..

Dakari Zahir.. 8 lbs 6 oz.

After all the bad happening in my, our, life some good came out of it. I got another lil nephew & in remembrance of my older brother, Zakari, his name was dedicated to him.

AJ and Des finally had their baby boy after a hard 12 hour labor process. We anxiously waited for our prince to arrive. "Y'all did good bro. I can't wait for my princess." After a month of being in the hospital. Jo was released from the hospital the day before Dakari arrived. His healing is going good but he still has some rehab to go through so for now he rolling in a wheelchair.

Everything is real good man. Jas got promoted, AJ and myself bout to go into business together with a LGBT club and also an LGBT shelter for kids, teens, whoever that get put out by parents, or even run away with counseling, self esteem classes, and more. We both went through that process so why not help others going through it. Des is starting a makeup line and Jo been writing some songs and wants to DJ and create club flyers. That's my dude so I'm gone help him get back on his feet. Diamond could graduate early and start college at Duke University. Whatever it takes we gone help these kids make it happen all while taking care of these babies, Amiya, Zakai, Dakari, & Jah'Nova.

"So babe, I've been thinking..." I was laying across the bed reading a Wattpad book when Jas come into the room with a sports bra and my briefs on, hair tied up and no makeup. "Thinking about what? I'm listening." She sucked her teeth and sat there with her legs crossed. "Can you stop reading for 10 minutes? Is that gone kill you?" I put my tablet down and gave the spoiled brat my undivided attention. "I've been thinking about adopting. And before you say no, it can be a kid like 5 and up, doesn't have to be a baby." I sat there and thought about it then looked back at Jas with a please say yes look on her face. "Right now no, we need to have time to get to know him or her and right now we don't have it. We just moved into a bigger, spacious house with three extra rooms I understand but we got too much going on." She threw herself on the bed mad. "You act like what we have going on is just so damn important..." "It is." She shook her head. "Kids are important too babe, there are kids out there that need love, a good home, and caring parents, a caring family. We have that." I smacked my teeth and started back reading. "Can I finish my book?" She got up and stormed out the room. "Get on my damn nerves, damn book over me." I laughed to myself. "She'll be alright when I have them legs in the air later."

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