Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A/N Hey! So, I hope you like. By the way, I added a video of the scene before this starts.

(setting: donald and leo are stuck in the elevator trying to figure a way out)

(leo and davenport sitting down with their legs bent)

(davenport with his hands over his face crying)


( uncovers face and looks at leo) im crying about the kids!

(leo has a sad expression on his face)

(they both look up)

(leo stands up SLOWLY)


i think i hear somthing


(slightly stops crying and turns his head toward leo)


(davenport starts pulling tissues out of his coat and blows his nose)


(talks normal) a little baby cring about his money

(moment of laghter then silence)

(davenport tries to hide his tissues and stand up then looks to the side)

(leo looks at davenport)


you know Big D, look at you (gestures hands at davenport)

you are (thinks back for a quick momment)wait, WERE(emphasis), a billionare genius scientist.

(davenport looks down for a second then looks back at leo when he starts talking)




you(hand gesture at davenport again) were(emphasis) a great influence to adam, bree and chase.


(depressed voice)leo, its not t- (leo interups)


you see Big D, you made bionics possible. when your brother gave bionics to them, and went behind your back and was going to make them bionic soldiors, you stood up for them and kept them safe(talks slower)down here.(silence) in what used to be(sniffle)a lab. ( starts to talks normal) you trained then to be heros and go on these missions(trails off)-----

(davenport slides his back down against the wall into a sitting on the floor)


yea. no kidding.


Big D, you see the point is, you(sits beside davenport and hand and head gesture towards him) are a amazing trainer and dad to them, you have gone infinity and beyond, you have made the impossible possible. the word impossible says im possible


thanks leo. i just hope that wherever they are they safe from my brother, doug.

A/N: Hey! I hope you have liked it so far. This is a short me there will be longer chapies than this 342-word one. Will update weekly around Mondays. Favorite, follow, and comment! I wanna know what you think so far!



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