Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

(At Davenport's back up lab. Leo and davenport are beside the cyber desk looking at the GPS signals of Adam, Bree, and Chase. Leo is sitting at the desk chair casually leaning back.)

Davenport- (Looks at all three signals and sighs in frustration.) Why haven't they returned yet? Shouldn't they be heading back by now?(looks at Leo worriedly)

Leo- (Shrugs shoulders nonchalantly and glances from the signals to Davenport) I don't know. Maybe they got stuck in traffic.

Davenport- (Gives Leo the death glare and shakes his head) Not a good time to be joking around Leo. We need to go find them. Grab your gear that I made for you. We need to go find them now.

Leo-(Falls out of chair and looks up at Davenport in shock) Really? I'm going on a mission?! Yes!!

Davenport- (Shakes his head at Leo) Don't make me regret this. And don't tell your mother!

Leo- (laughs and waves his hand in the air) Please. Mom will never know. My diary maybe. But not mom.

Davenport- (shakes his head and readies his mission gear) Okay are you ready?

Leo- (pats his bag and nods his head) Aye aye captain. Let's move out!

Davenport- (shakes his head and grumbles. Begins to walk out the door and hears someone calling his name) Leo do you hear that? (Both Davenport and Leo look around in confusion)

Leo- (hears his name also being called) Yeah... Is that..?

Davenport- (sees Adam carrying Hope and MaKenna and Bree dragging Chase)(runs to them) Guys!! I've been worried about you!! What happened?!

Bree- (nods her head towards the door and is out of breath) We'll tell you when we get inside. It's a good one.

Adam- (looks down at Hope and MaKenna)(then looks at Bree dragging Chase) Yeah... It's gonna knock you out. (Laughs and then awkwardly coughs when no one laughs with him)

Leo- (frowns and begins to usher everyone inside) Okay now what happened?

(Bree and Adam begin to tell them what happened. Davenport frowns when he hears what happened)

Davenport- (looks between Adam and Bree) Okay. My "brother" will try to get you guys back. But I promise that will not happen. We need to figure out a plan for when he comes.

Let's wait until they wake up first though. (Nods towards the unconscious pile of people beside them)(everyone nods)

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