Part 5

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Davenport, Leo, Hope and MaKenna are running; Davenport slows down and motions for everyone to stop. He quickly walks us all over to a nearby park bench motioning for us to sit down)
Davenport- (waits until everyone is seated then speaks quickly and urgently) Okay first order of business. Do either of you have a smartphone I can use? If so please note that I may need to throw it in an ocean if necessary.
MaKenna- (hesitates but then nods and reaches into her back pocket pulling out her iPhone) Yeah. Here use mine. (Hands the phone to davenport albeit hesitantly)
Davenport- (nods graciously and starts tapping on the phone) thank you... Okay so now I'm gong to see if I can find Adam , Bree and Chase. Even though they turned their built in GPS off, they probably had to turn them back on to find their own location. (Continues to tap different buttons on the phone)
Hope- (glancing between Leo and Davenport) so how are we going to get our bionics? Because you know, you promised if we helped you, we would get something in return...
Leo- (stares accusingly at Davenport) Yeah Big D, how are you going to get them there bionics? Since you know, I can't have them why not give them to complete strangers? It makes total since!! NOT!!!
(Hope and MaKenna look between the two and then back at each other)
Davenport- (sighs and rolls his eyes) Leo. We have been over this. You can not get bionics because your mother would kill me and you body is not capable of it. I'm sorry but that's just how it is! (Continues to look at phone and then screams in delight)
MaKenna- (jumps a little at the sudden noise) What? Did you find something?!
Davenport- (jumps up from the table) Yes!! I found them!! But we have to hurry! Since they turned their chips GPS on Doug will be able to find them too... Wait! That's it! (Smiles at Hope and MaKenna)
Hope- (confused) What's it? And who is Doug?
Leo- (frowns) Doug is Big D's evil brother and.... What does he have to do with them two?
Davenport- (smiles at us all) Well, if Doug is coming to find them as well, then we can just have these two get kidnapped with Adam,
Bree, and Chase! Then Doug will give them bionics!!!
MaKenna- (frowns and stands up along with everyone else) Whoa. Hold up. You mean we're going to get kidnapped?!? Eh... Okay then this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Leo- (laughs and pats MaKenna on the shoulder) Welcome to my world.
Davenport- (ushers them all out of the park) Come on! We have to go!! We don't have much time!!
(Everyone starts running to the location on the map from the GPS signal)

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