Chapter 10

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Updated: Nov.15th, 2015
Words: 945

Addie's POV
Yesterday, Cal asked Kara to be his girlfriend onstage. She hasn't stopped smiling since. I mean I'm super SUPER happy for her but it's annoying.

"CAN YOU JUST STOP?!" I yelled.

Everyone turned to look at me, so I huffed and pulled out my phone. Even Twitter was all #Karum. Like please. It's just frustrating, all they do is cuddle and kiss and it's so cute it makes me sick.

"When do we get on the bus?" I asked.

"Now actually. Let's go guys!" Louis yelled, looking at his phone.

All of our stuff was already on the buses considering we put them on earlier.

"Kara! That's 5sos's bus. Come on!" I shouted.

"I know. I decided to do this trip with Calum. See you at the stadium." She said. Kara waved bye and the bus doors closed behind her.

I walked onto the 1D bus and jumped into my bed with tears streaming down my face. My whole life it's always been Kara and I. Now she's barely even speaking to me.

My stomach grumbled so I went into the bathroom and puked. I felt better now.

"Are you okay, love?" Dad asked through the door.

"Yah. I'm better now. Thanks dad." I replied, walking into the living room.

I sat down in between Liam and Harry.

"Hey boys. Can we play a game?" I asked.

"Like what?" Zayn questioned.

"Call of duty, Advanced Warfare?" I suggested.

They all looked at me with wide eyes and popped the game into their Xbox One.

~~{£} A Few Hours Later {£}~~

"HA! I BEAT YOUR ASSES 50 TO 7!! BITCHESSSSSSSS!" I screamed as we finished out last game.

*Real quick A/N- I actually scored 50-7 on COD the other day!👌*

Dad was watching me with amusement in his eyes. Zayn was laughing his ass off and Louis was on the floor laughing.

Once we all calmed down, we collapsed on each other and just chill there for a bit.

"Do you want something to eat princess?" Dad asked.

"No I'm okay dad. Thanks tho." I replied.

All the boys looked between us and I took that as my cue to leave. Perfect timing because Kara called me. I excused myself and went to lay on my bunk.

"Hello?" I answered, even though I knew it was Kara.

"Ugh baby I love you so much." Cal moaned.

I went to click the hang up button but before I could I heard Calum scream "Yah, baby, holy fuck, YES KARAAAAAAAAAA"

After that I was scarred for life. I screamed and threw my phone across the bus.

I sprinted to the living room and jumped onto Liam's lap and hid my face in his shoulder.

"What's wrong, love?" Harry asked me.

When he asked that I went to grab my phone and bring it back. I played the recording of the phone call since I record all my calls. I don't know, I'm weird.

After it ended, the boys faces scrunched up in disgust.

"I gonna kill those fuckers!" Dad shouted.

"It's okay dad." I laughed

"No it's not! They scarred you!!" He screamed back.

Once the bus stopped for us to stretch our legs and dad stormed off the bus. The boys and I looks at each other then ran after him.

When we caught up to him, he was holding Calum against the bus by his neck while Kara was yelling.

"ADDIE GET YOUR DAD TO STOP!" She screamed at me.

"No." I replied simply.

"WHAT THE HELL?! I HATE YOU!" Kara shouted as she pushed me away.

Forgetting everything, I ran onto the bus and hid myself in the bathroom. Before anyone could come back on the bus, I grabbed my makeup bag and pulled out a box.

Inside the box was a note and a razor. Well two notes actually. I picked up one and read it.

"Dear Addie, The caretaker will give this to you on your 16th birthday. We gave you up. Not by force but choice. We didn't want you because you'd grow up to be an ugly slut. So if your reading this, go kill yourself whore.

Love, Mommy and Daddy"

I started crying and thinking maybe they were right. Before I could stop it, my hand reached into the box and pulled out the razor. I held it to my wrist and took a deep breath.

I felt a piercing pain in my skin but it felt good. I did it over and over until I heard a knock on the door.

"We're here, love." Harry said.

"Oh. Umm... I'll be out in a minute." I replied stuttering.

I looked down and saw my arm. There was blood everywhere. And looked in the sink too. First, I rinsed it out of the sink. Then, off my arm. Lastly, I taped toilet paper over it and covered it with bracelets.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, only Louis was there.

"Let's go before they eat all my carrots." He laughed.

We looped our arms and skipped backstage. Once we were there, I saw everyone talking to each other. I noticed Ash staring at me, but I did my best to ignore it.

After a while, Ash grabbed my arms and dragged me into the dressing room.

"What's wrong with you Ash?" I asked

His next sentence, changed my entire way of life.

"I know what you did..."

Yay! It's an early update for you!! Just a day but whateves. I will also be updating Saturday next week!

I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.





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