Chapter 15

52 5 0

Updated: Jan 10th, 2016
Words: 789

Addie's POV
Fuck! No no no no.

"What's what babe?" I ask.

He pulls the tag off my pants.

"These are Kara's." Liam says.

"Oh right. I'll give them back to her later"

I sighed in relief as I slouched against the couch backstage.

"We should go back to the bus." Zayn suggests.

We all nod and make our way over back to the 5sos tour bus.

Kara's POV
Once we get on the bus, Calum and I escape to the back room.

"Hey baby." He said as he towered over me with a playful glint in his eye

"Hey babe." I replied and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pushed me against the wall as started kissing me. His lips moved lower, towards my neck. After kissing around for a while, he found my sweet spot.

Cal just kept sucking at it and I couldn't contain the moan that escaped my lips. I grinded on Cal's dick and felt a tent build in his pants.

"KARA!" Addie yelled as she burst in the door.

I pulled away and walked towards her.

"What?" I asked as she pulled me into the bathroom.

Then she shoved her phone into my hands, I gave her a skeptical look before glancing down at her screen.

I gasped at the image on her phone. My hands trembled and gave out, dropping Addie's phone.

At first I started crying, then I ran... I ran away. Away from Cal and all my problems...

Calum's POV
"CALUM THOMAS FUCKING HOOD!" I heard Addie scream.

I jumped up and scurried to the door where she stood, furious.


Addie took a deep breath, I glanced behind her and say all the boys standing there with worried faces.

Then, she threw her phone at my face. I caught it and looked down.



"What get out?" Liam asked.

Oh my god no. He is going to kill me for hurting his baby sister.

"Did you or did you not cheat on Kara?" Addie asked me in a deadly calm voice.

"Yes." I muttered silently.

I heard a scream and then felt a force jump on me. Addie was on top of me on the ground pulling at my hair and punching me.

When I gathered the courage, I couldn't take anymore of it. I smacked her. Right in the face, I smacked her so hard that she fell across the room.

"THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" Niall screamed as he punched me right in the jaw.

He walked away, talking to someone on the phone and I ran out the door to find Kara.

Kara's POV
I stopped running and sat down at a bench, out of breath. Until I felt a presence next to me.

"Are you alright?" A deep voice asked.

I smiled.

"Not really. Thanks for coming to see me Ash." I replied.

"No problem princess."

He scooted closer and side hugged me. I leaned on his side and stayed there.

"SO YOU'VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME THIS WHOLE TIME?! WITH ASHTON!?" Calum screamed from infront of me.

"No. I'm not like you. He's comforting me you fucking idiot." I swore.

"Baby I love you. Please forgive me." He pleaded.

"No. We're fucking done." I stated.

Ashton and I stood up before turning on our heels and walking back to the bus.

"We should see if Addie's okay."

"Why what's wrong with her?!" I panicked.

"When Calum admitted to cheating on you, she went ballistic. Pushed him to the ground and started beating on him. He punched her to get her off him." He quickly explained.

I gasped and started running towards the bus with Ashton close on my tail.

Once we arrived at the bus, I threw open the door and sprinted into the living room.

"Addie!" I exclaimed as I ran to her side.

I made eggs, waffles, bacon and hot chocolate for both of us. Then we sat on the couch and watched Disney movies the rest of the day until we fell asleep.

~~{£} Next Morning {£}~~

When Addie and I woke up, the rest of the boys were talking quietly on the other couch.

Then I noticed that the 5SOS boys were crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"They're leaving tour." Liam stated.


HEY GUYSSSSS!! Omg I'm so sorry that I've taken so long to update. But here it is now.

Sooooo, drama drama dramaaaaaa! Like damn. But in real life, Calum isn't like this so don't pay attention to that.

I'm also sorry that this update is so short and the next one will be longer. I hoped you liked this update. See you next week!


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