Lil' Brother

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I was staring at the man with Forbes magazine he turned around. "Alicia ! dear where's mom?"

I replied, "Dad I'm suffering from Amnesia can you please tell Peter to hurry I need to talk with the entire family."

"Oh dear, then how did you recognize me? Off Course Schnell helped you she's a better A.I then Jarvis." he was proud of me. 

He went somewhere rolling the wheels of his wheel chair. A guy in tuxedo walked down the stairs hurriedly.

"Sister lets go! we're getting late." I asked him in bewilderment.

" Is Dad not gonna come?" He replied looking at my clothes
" What's wrong with you, you're acting strange."

He pulled my hand and we ran and sat the aircraft "Schnell get going!" he commanded Schnell.

I fell asleep....

After some time we reached the venue. There was a red carpet with rich people every where, yeah it was filled with celebrities.

 There was a red carpet with rich people every where, yeah it was filled with celebrities

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My brother got me to my elder sister Elizabeth "Hey! Lizzy the party's pretty good." She looked at me in bewilderment.

"Excuse me and your sister, Peter " She grabbed me by my arm pulled me in a room shut the door and asked

"What the Hell is wrong with you?" I replied trying to cope up with all the things that were going on with me like  I was going to burst.

"I'm having Amnesia." She told me to sit on her bed and not to get out of the room.

She grabbed a white dress and threw it at me " Wear it sister and please try not to screw my party, the media is here and change those god dammed clothes off "

I took out my cellphone. There was a picture of a guy , set as the background, it was the same guy which came in the memory flash before.

I sat by the window pane.

The door rolled open it was Mom with a guy talking to him about some stocks

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The door rolled open it was Mom with a guy talking to him about some stocks. That guy went away after some talking. "Oh dear, you look pretty in that white dress, you wanted to say something important?"

She kissed me on my right cheek, I felt  sooo good after that, so safe, so comfortable, so confident.

"Mom, I'm suffering from amnesia." All the colors of her face washed away and her jaw dropped "OH!" She hugged me tight which felt very good.  

"It's so sad for the people you don't remember and for the people who loved you. If you feel...., Wait, I'll call Peter he'll help you and be there with you till you start getting the hang of it. Just wait  here I'll go fish out the entire family out."

She left room. After a while, my sister, my younger and elder brother with my mom came in.

"Okay Guys! so Alice is suffering from amnesia and I've decided that Peter will live over with her till she copes up. This thing remains within the family" My mom rubbed Peter's back and pushed him as he kind of unwilling to live with me.

"Okay Alice! Each of us will keep a check on you and call us if you need any help."

Everyone then went back to the party, "So, you wanna come and enjoy the party or not" asked Peter.

Both of us came out and as I walked out. the lights shined on me , there was a announcement  Alice Stark, The Protector!!  the crowds roared.

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