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I knew who I was, I was Alice Stark, the daughter of Iron man. I was also the reincarnation of a Greek Goddess. I was the Protector of the earthly realm.

I made my way into my parent's house as Deadpool, one of my close friends dropped me there.

I thanked him and made my way inside, mom and dad were siting in the living room watching some TV show.

" Alicea! " My mom shot up from the couch and gave me tight bone crushing hug. "Where were you dear?" Dad asked joining the hug.

We soon pulled apart " I was with Will in NYC when... " my eyes filled up with tears and I started crying.

" Oh dear, I'm so sorry for Will" my mom said helping me sit on the couch and wrapping her arm around me and rubbing my back.

" SHEILD has been investigating the blast, by the way this is Dr. Chestnut he's a neurologist."

A man wearing a synthetic shirt and track shorts, the tight T-shirt he wore made his 6-packs visible through his T-shirt entered the living room, he was most probably in his early 30s. My jaw dropped opened and hit the floor.

" Alice, he's here to help you recover your memory. " dad said but Dr. Chestnut cut in laughing which zapped me back to reality

" What? We all don't wear nerdy glasses and lab coats, we come in all shapes and sizes" we shook hands, he led me out to backyard's lawn.

" Okay, so see in your case you can recover your memory back. For that I'll put you through an argumentative reality simulation course." He said typing in a tablet which he tightly held in his hand like someone was gonna snatch it away from him.

Suddenly my surroundings changed.

I was surrounded by tall trees, the ground I stood on was heaped in dry leaves which made my feet sink in them as they crumpled each time I walked.

I was surrounded by tall trees, the ground I stood on was heaped in dry leaves which made my feet sink in them as they crumpled each time I walked

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"Schnell! What's my current location? "

"Ma'am we're right now in the Brazilian rain forests "

I suddenly heard leaves crumbling behind me and turned around. There was a pack of huge wolfs with glistening yellow eyes.

In a white flash a long blue dress started growing and covered my body and golden particles started flying around me, green grass started growing around me and covering the ground like forest fire

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In a white flash a long blue dress started growing and covered my body and golden particles started flying around me, green grass started growing around me and covering the ground like forest fire.

A silver Trident appeared in my hand.

Dr. Chestnut appeared between me and the wolfs and walked to the side.

" Alice, this is a simulation, you need to fight these werewolves. According to my analysis the way to regain your memory is through a specially designed physical activity."

All the wolfs pounced on me all together. I swinged my arms and the Trident in ways I had never even imagined, it was like the ghost of Bruce Lee had possessed my body.

It felt like my body had a brain of it own, which left me astonished.

In a matter of seconds, the werewolves disappeared as they had turned to red ash the minute I had hit them with my trident.

" Well done Alice! This is it for today, tonight you'll have dreams of your past in form of flash backs, if you need any help figuring stuff out." He handed me his card smirking.

My surroundings changed back to my parents back yard, were they really my parents? Suddenly all the energy faded and I started feeling depressed again.

Dr. Chestnut had already left the backyard and was in the house. Man he was fast!

I was lying on the soft grass and star gazing the night sky.

I was lying on the soft grass and star gazing the night sky

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Protector: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now