Party's over! :(

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I was having a good time with some of Peter's friend. They talked about their missions in Russia. Then a guy with a eye patch on right eye walked up next to me and joined the conversation. His accompany was like someone constantly observing you.

He seemed like a violent person. "Please excuse me and Alice" he said.  Talking to him was pretty tough because of his eye patch. We got into a corner he starting talking about some people called skurlls,

Their ability  to shape up. Their ability to form a exact copy, with the same knowledge, memories, skills possessed by the person they copied.

He told me that they were about to spread every where and collapse the Federal Government. He told me to come to meeting with the president.

"Alice I want you to design a system, a way to counter the invasion." He  made me confident, he filled me with power but, how far will it last? with me suffering with amnesia.

"Trust No one!" He left saying.  I started searching for Peter. The hall was filling with more people.

I needed some space, some air, some time, some rest. I went to the 2nd floor found a balcony . Clean,fresh air gushed inside me. Dad was their  working on his laptop.

"Dad! you scared me" I collapsed on the marble floor. "Alicia, you need rest dear" He helped me get up, went to the kitchen." When was last time that you ate?" He gave me some pasta. We both sat inside the empty dinning room " Dad do you know about the guy with eye patch on his right eye?" 

"Oh Nick? A black guy in his 30s ?" "Yes Dad" "Well he's Nick Fury, The director of SHIELD both of you are close friends. Where's  Peter isn't he supposed to be with you? "

I took out my phone, I asked Schnell about guy who flashed in my memories earlier. She showed me picture of him she asked me that should she call him up. I said no as I didn't wanted things to get sad for him as mom earlier said that the people who loved you will get sad but, deserved to know so, I told her tell him to come at place tomorrow morning.

I got up went out to the  halls where everyone was partying. Then after few minutes a Holographic panel popped up  reading alert!

Kaboom! Kaboom! The halls went completely silent. The screen reads Complex Shield integrity 75%, Defensive systems on standby

" Turn on defensive systems." Blue lights start flashing in the room. Panels popup showing everyone the way to the evacuation bay.

Sirens start blaring repetitively "Please proceed to nearest evacuation bay."

Peter came running grabbed  my hand, I stood there in the middle of the halls frozen watching the  defensive missiles blow up enemy crafts.

We got in to a escape pod. I get up in the night sky watching enemy ships over powering Lizzy's place defensive systems, I fell asleep watching the ships light up her place as the counter systems failed.


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