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I was about to fly to Olympus when I saw a familiar face, Taylor. XxTheImperfectOnexX

"So you've woken up?" She asked trembling in shock.

I hugged her.

"What is up with Gods and hugs, Haha?"

"You look healthy..."

Before I finished I was engulfed by another hug, by Ryan.

"You're back!!" I exclaimed

"Yes we found him a few weeks after the battle of camp half blood." Taylor said

"What happened?"

"I don't remember exactly but, the matter was solved." Ryan replied.

"It was nice talking to you both I'll catch you soon." I hurried.

"Tell us if you need any help"

"Well there is something you guys can help me with, follow me."

I as headed to my room when I noticed it, Peter was lying on the on the floor wailing.

''Brother! Oh my Gods, HELP!''

''They're coming sister! You need to hurry, go to the dry tracks on the west coast and you'll find it.''

"Can't you heal him?"Taylor asked

"He's poisoned by something dark, really dark." I replied

''Find what? '' I asked Peter.

"The weapon." He said gasping.

By the time he finished, medics were at the scene. Peter's skin had started turning black with his nerves popping to the surface of his skin.

It started raining heavily like a hurricane, the ground trembled.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks at a uncontrolled pace. I just couldn't believe what had just happened.

My brother just died.

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