Wake up!

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Percy's POV

"Annabeth did Sam wake up?"
"You were supposed to wake her up!" Screams Annabeth.

*Bus honks*

Percy wakes up Sam and gets her out.

"Here you go darling, I've packed brownies." Annabeth hands over lunch to Sam.

Sam hurriedly gets ready.

"Bye Mom, Bye Dad." Shouts galloping away.

"Ugghhh teenagers" says Annabeth.
"Relax honey remember we were once teenagers too?"

"Oh yeah, but we weren't so careless."
After some awkward silence.

"Okayyy! So listen Sam's turning 18 tomorrow and is going to a feild trip to Brooklyn, Williamsburg this weekend."

"Yeah, we need to talk to SHEILD about it, her aura is getting strong and the dome only covers Manhattan."

"I'll go to their office to get her a officer to look over while she's out of the dome."

(Fact: The dome is a transparent shield like the dome at Camp half blood that keeps monsters out but half bloods and mortals safe inside.)

After 2 hours

SHIELD Head quarters.

At the reception.

"Good morning ! This is Percy Jackson, I had an appointment with the protector."

"I'm sorry sir, but the protector is busy. Would you like to leave a message?"

"Yeah! Ask her that is she too busy to see his brother for 20 years, Thank you."

5 hours later

Phone ringing.

"Good Afternoon!  I'm the Protector's secretary talking. Is this Mr. Jackson?"

"Yes and now her secretary is calling, it shows how much she cares about her brother."

" I'm sorry for that Mr. Jackson but there is something I would like you to see. Drop by the given address. ........... at 2 pm tomorrow, Thank-you."

Call ends.

3 hours later.

The Jackson family is having dinner.

"Would you please pass the salad, Dad?"

"So did you?" Annabeth asks

"No, my dear sister is so busy that she can't talk to her brother."

"Wait! Are you talking about the protector?" Sam screeches.

"Yeah, darling your Aunt Alice."

"Why doesn't she visit us ever?" Sam asks.

(After a long awkward silence)

"Well Aunt Alice is busy, she's the protector you know."

Next day at 2 pm at the secret address.

"Good Afternoon! Mr. Jackson, please follow me." Says a man in a lab coat.

After making me walk like for a 100 miles and a thousand turns what I say left my jaw touching the floor in astonishment.

It was her sitting on a stone or moreover hovering over it, sitting crossed legs joining her hands with golden petals flying around majestically.

"What..What happened to her?"
"She has been sleeping for a long time."
"How long?"
"20 years."

I knew my sister cared so much for me that for the past 20 years I didn't bother her knowing that she'll be alright. She was still the same like frozen in time. My face had started getting wrinkles and she was still 13.

I was loosing my mind when the man in lab coat said something....

"She's about wake up anytime now."

"Oh my Gods! Why now?" My voice boomed in the empty hanger which only had my sister.

"Look she is not who you think she is, her body is just an avatar of the greatest power to ever exist. Her duty is to protect Earth as she herself is Earth and every living being on it, it's complicated."

"We found her body in debris after the war of camp Halfblood.

"You better close your eyes now."

I closed my eyes and in big flash that almost made me blind even after closing my eyes.

"Hey Percy" *feminine tone*

Protector: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now