Chapter 2: It's okay. Don't cry

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When morning finally came, the snow stopped falling, the sky wasn't crying anymore. It was as if the God was telling them a new day has come, live on, don't give up. It was as if they were given a sign that the worst has passed and that they could be happy now, that they needn't to fear of what will happen next because today was going to be a good day.

Jin woke up first; as he slowly opened his eyes he saw Jimin's beautiful face. He was sleeping so soundly, just lying there beside him, curled up in the covers; little snores barely audible leaving his lips. Jin stared at him, looking at his puffy eyes, red after all those tears, after all that crying, his plump lips moving a little as he struggled to breathe, his hair was all a mess, he had his hands curled up to his chest, hugging himself tightly; he looked peaceful.

Jin slowly moved away, he left the bed and with a smile he placed a cover up to his chin and then he went to wash up. After he was done, he returned to the kitchen. He missed this, he missed having to cook for more than one person; he cooked for six before, but now it somehow felt different, now he had to cook for him.

Jimin stirred a lot in his sleep, and each time he moved, there were all kinds of bruises that could be seen under his shirt, on his neck, some on his hands, but the worst of it all, was when Jimin began crying in his sleep, Jin embraced him trying to calm him, but it didn't help much because his cries didn't stop, and soon Jin was crying with him.

He began to cook breakfast, it was simple, plain, eggs and bacon, with some orange juice; he didn't know what Jimin liked and he didn't know if the little one will even be able to eat since he barely drank his tea yesterday. Jin didn't know anything about the little guy, the only thing he knew was that he was different, was that he needed to protect him and to keep him safe; Jimin was precious and needed protection.

When Jimin woke up, he almost shrieked in fear, he thought he was back in that hotel room, he almost felt as his air left his lungs, but then he remembered Jin and how he sang for him lullabies to help him sleep. He tried to make his breathing stable, he tried to forget what happened, he tried to push it all in the back of his mind so the pain and misery won't come back to haunt him. Today he needed to go home and act normal. Today was Sunday and he needed to go back home, where his parents won't even suspect a thing, they will probably think he was out with some friends, they trusted him too much to think of something like this ever happening to their son, but it did and now he didn't know how to confront them, he didn't know how to deal with it, all he knew was that Jin could make him forget for a while. He stirred when he smelled fry bacon coming from the kitchen, he was a bit hungry. He hadn't eaten since last morning when he left the house, he couldn't even get food into his mouth, he tried and then he choked on it, he threw it out, he couldn't eat, it will remind him of what that man did to him, of how that man made him swallow. He shivered again just thinking of it, it was a bit blurry now but it was there, inside of him, the shame, the misery, the guilt, the horror, the terror, they all laid there inside.

He got up and moved for the kitchen, he wanted to at least try to eat something; Jin did after all cook him breakfast. He exited the room, with the blanket around his shoulders. He was cold, even if inside was warm and nice, really comfy, he felt cold, ice cold.

"Morning," Jimin said as he sat down at the table. He could barely move, he could barely stand on his two feet, let alone sit on a chair, it hurt, everything hurt. Jin just turned around slowly and with a big smile on his face that could melt one's heart he said softly,

"Morning Jimin." And then Jin came and placed a plate with freshly fried bacon, two eggs and a glass of orange juice. The plate was nicely arranged, he even made a smile with the bacon and used the eggs to form eyes; it was just like in the movies, those old American movies.

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