Chapter 3: The key

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Jin drove away; he wanted to go to see his parents. It has been a long time since he last visited. But he had second thoughts about that, he wasn't sure he wanted to see them. It wasn't that he hated them, it was just that he wanted to spare them of the pain, of the fear that one day their boy will forget again and they can't do anything to help him. They were practically useless, and so Jin backed away. And then when his brother was born, they replaced him, his brother was normal, he wasn't broken like him, he wouldn't forget about them, he wouldn't scream in the middle of the night because he didn't remember a thing, he wouldn't need medications that won't be of any help, just delay the effects for a day or two, and like that he couldn't be saved, his memory loss was inevitable, it was as if someone wanted him to live in misery, as if God decided from the start that Jin would be just a broken toy, just a broken human that couldn't be fixed. And when his brother was diagnosed as a normal functioning human being; that didn't had his disease that he was normal, he was what Jin should have been.

Soon Jin reached his house, it was simple, just a normal two floor house, with a balcony where his room was, a porch with some flowers hung on it's fascia, with a back garden, that had a small swing bench, and in the middle of it all there was a little circle where his mother grew her roses, they were white in this time of the year, they had some flowers in front of the house, those kind of colored flowers that you notice the first thing when you pass on the street, it just catches your eye, just like an old house, but he liked it there.

And when he left, his parents insisted on not doing this, they said they were going to take care of him, that just because his brother was normal he didn't had to leave, they loved him; but not enough, because he was broken, he wasn't normal, and when his parents bought him an apartment in the city, Jin refused, he didn't want them to pity him, Jin didn't want that, so he moved out, his brother now had a room for himself, and Jin had his cozy cabin in the woods. His parents still visited once in a while, or they would send him Christmas cards and they still paid for his education, sometimes they would visit on his birthday, but nothing more than that.

When he was in front of his house, he saw his brother outside, he was playing with a dog, something Jin never had, he played in the snow, it was something he should've been doing, to play with his brother in the winter, or to fight with water in the summer, it was something he never could experience, he decided to drive away, he couldn't see them now, he didn't had the heart to. He decided to go to a coffee shop nearby and then to do some shopping, he needed food supplies and then he had to go back home, he had an essay for school to do. He just wanted the winter break to come already, it was in a week, just one more week and he's free to enjoy Christmas. Maybe this time he won't spend it alone, maybe he could be with Jimin for Christmas.

Jimin woke up in a cold room, everything dark around him, it was odd, this wasn't his room, this wasn't his home, and he wasn't where he was supposed to be. He got on his two feet and with the blanket over his shoulders he tried to find something to locate himself, it was useless – he was all alone. Then a door opened, a man came through, it was him, Jimin knew that figure, that horrid human, that despicable being, that deserved to be locked away forever, and when the man spoke Jimin felt his stomach curl up, his insides almost rotting, everything he ever ate in his life wanting to come out, it was the man who raped him, who made him feel like he didn't deserve to live anymore, the man who took away his sleep, who made him lie to his parents, the one who made his suffer and gave him nightmares, the one that caused all that crying, all that pain, and that man was coming closer.

"No..." He voiced out, almost audible,

"Don't come near me..." but the man approached, he was smirking, closing the distance between them.

Memento Moriजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें