Chapter 7: He is not Jin

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Going home with Jimin after all that playing was a complete joy for both of them. Jin sang every song that was playing on the radio, he was all smiles, even if the outside looked like the world was about to end, the car was complete delight, and Jimin tried to sing and dance too, as much as he could, given the fact that they were in the car and the space wasn't really big, but he still played along with him. They laughed like fools at Jin's jokes, that were like those old long forgotten jokes that nobody thinks are funny, but Jimin laughed nonetheless, and Jimin tried to just forget it about all that happened and just imagine that he and Jin will remain as happy as they were in this moment right now, that he will stay with Jin forever like this, because he didn't want this moment to end, he didn't want this happiness to go away, he just wanted to feel a happiness like this every day, because it was so long since he last laughed and played like that, it has been a long time since he has been this happy, and he missed the feeling.

And when they got to Jimin house they went up and expected his mom to say something, to scold Jimin for skipping school, to ask him what he was thinking, because even if he was in his first year, school was important and he shouldn't skip without a good reason, but to their surprise she didn't. She was in fact quite happy, and even if it was strange a bit, Jimin just thought she woke up like that.

"Omo~" she said when she saw Jin near Jimin with a big smile making Jimin try to avoid eye contact,

"Look what a handsome man we have here~" Jin blushed and Jimin just bit back a smile. Of course Jin was handsome, he had his pretty hair fixed up, some strands of hair covering his forehead, his small smile that was something you could fall for so easy, his dazzling eyes that could melt even the coldest hearts, his fair face and of course, his all presence that was just like a blessing, he was just perfect like that.

"Moooom, don't, we have to get to school, we are late already anyway." Jimin said and Jin nodded in agreement.

"Fine," she said almost pouting. It was odd, she had to have waked up feeling happy or something because she is rather okay with him being late, going out more than normal in a day, and bringing home a new guy, he just met this weekend and may or may not have fallen in love with.

His mother let them go, leaving to the kitchen to cook so something, possibly his lunch for today, since she always did that before they leave for school every morning, and they were headed for Jimin room so they could get his things. As they crossed the hall so they could get to his room, Jin saw some pictures on the wall and stopped to look at them. It was Jimin and his family, he looked some more and they were so happy, the photos were all taken on special events, like Christmas, or Jimin birthday, some with his grandparents, some with his friends and some were from their holidays. Jin noticed he had a brother too, because there was another boy in those photos, someone who resembled Jimin, just not entirely, his expression didn't seem that happy, he didn't look like he enjoyed it to be there, he seemed rather odd but he let it go because compared with Jimin, who smiled like a fool, with his big grin all over his face in every single photo, Jin could just bit back a smile and hope to never see the boy cry again. Even in those with cake all over his face, even when he opened Christmas presents, he smiled in each one of them. Jin felt his heart drop, just thinking that he barely saw that smile, because Jimin cited most of the time, he wanted to keep seeing the boy smile, he wanted to make the boy smile, and maybe some part of him wanted to be the one to make the boy smile.

"Hyung?" Jimin said, snapping Jin out of his trance,

"Ah, yes, sorry." Jin replied, giving the boy a warm smile.

"Did you get your things?" Jin added, as he looked at a clock that was on the wall, they did miss their first period and almost half of the second, but it was okay, because Christmas is coming soon, and they would be on holiday in a few days, so skipping two classes won't kill anyone.

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