Chapter 12: Hold me tight

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A warmth like summer heat filled the room, a light that came in flashing out every butterfly that was left in the room; Seokjin was down to the ground, keeping Jin close to his body, he didn't know what to do once the boy wakes up, would Jin push him away, would Jin leave him alone in his own darkness? He couldn't have that, not when the boy looked like he could accept Seokjin, not when he finally could hold Jin in his arms like this, he couldn't have the boy abandon him, he needed Jin and Jin needed him.

Seokjin looked at Jin sleeping peacefully in his embrace, was it painful? Was it as Seokjin knew it would turn out once he gets his memories back? Should he take them back? Should he make Jin forget it all again? It was a good idea, but then Jimin would just trigger them back and he couldn't have Jin cry alone again, he couldn't stand the idea of Jin suffering; maybe this will all end if Jimin disappeared, maybe this will all go back to normal if he gets rid of Jimin and erases the memories with him, he could take over again and finish him, like he did with the others, would Jin hate him if he did that?

Jin started to mumble something in his sleep, words that Seokjin couldn't understand; those memories were the only thing left that linked them and if Jin has them back then maybe that link is gone too, but it wasn't. When Jin started to scream and yell in his embrace, when Jin looked like he was going to die, because he didn't open his eyes but tears were streaming down his face, he didn't wake up but he wasn't sleeping either. Seokjin couldn't take it, he can't just stand there and watch how Jin went through all that pain alone; it hurts to see Jin in pain, his heart can't this.

Seokjin bent down, trying to whisper something in Jin's ear that would make the boy feel better, he tried to kiss his forehead and as he pressed a soft kiss on it, Jin seemed to calm down a bit; with a hand he gripped one of Jin's and held it tight, with the other hand he tried to brush away some straps of hair, he tried to wipe some tears but more followed, it was useless, he had to help him somehow and there was only one thing left to do, he had to know what was happening, why was he in so much pain? What memories came first?

When Jin woke up he was back in time, he was sent back to that summer he spent with Hoseok and Taehyung, that first summer they loved so much because when they were together they were happy, they used to play games, sometimes they fought with water, it was always nice to play with those two. Jin would record them and so he always had the looks Hoseok gave to Taehyung and of course as always Taehyung would notice neither one of them.

It was that summer, when they were out in the woods, playing hide and seek, when Jin found two boys laughing and smiling from ear to ear. They were out enjoying their picnic. They were on a blanket, one of the boys in the other one's lap. The boy that was up had green hair, a strange shade of green, not too bright and not too dark, just plain green, like the grass you see in spring, or like those alien toys you see in supermarkets. Jin stood there, looking at them, they were really happy; and before he knew it he was recording them too, forgetting about having to hide, forgetting about Hoseok and Taehyung, because in that moment he wanted to record that moment.

The one that was sitting in the boy's lap stopped laughing after some time and as he raised a hand up in the air he said something to the other one, but Jin was too far to hear their conversation; then the green haired boy gave him a smile and as he bent down he placed a kiss on the other boy's lips, a small peck, something like he was assuring him of something; or at least that's what it looked like to Jin.

But then he heard someone yell his name, a low tone voice, deep like a cavern – Taehyung, he thought, and it was indeed him. The sound of someone startled the two boys and they turned around to see where it came from, just in time to see Jin looking around like a lost puppy.

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