Chapter 8: The other Jin

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When Jin came around he was in a dark space, it was cold, little sounds of water dropping in the distance, all around him was empty, it felt like a nightmare, it felt like a memory, but it wasn't this was different. All alone, he found himself standing on water, he looked down, it was dark there too, he looked around, same thing, then looking down at his expression, reflected in the water, and then back up, he scanned the room, he tried to find a way out, but wherever he went it was the same darkness that welcomed him. He didn't understand what was happening, why was he on water, why didn't he fall, why didn't he remember how he got here, but the better question was where he was? This was not a dream, nor a nightmare. Because the last thing he remembers it was watching Jimin go to class and then after that he felt the room spin, his headache finally going away and then it was all black. He looked around, trying to think, trying to figure out what was happening, but it was all in vain, it was all black, and he was all alone there. Then he sat down, feeling like crying, because he didn't understand, he was confused, and he wanted out.

"You finally gave up, huh?" A voice said from the dark, he didn't recognize the voice at first; it was familiar, as if he heard this voice before, as if this happened before, but he couldn't recognize it, but then it spoke again,

"Did you really think this time, he, could save you?" The voice asked, and Jin heard some steps, the said man was finally taking some steps forward and then with another line he showed himself,

"I am the only one that can." Jin was standing there, down, looking at what seemed like, him; Jin was looking at himself. The voice he heard, the voice that came from the darkness and made no sense, was him.

"What..." he began but the other Jin just sat down beside him and laughed at him.

"What am I?" he said, giving Jin a vibe that this was not the first time it happened, that this was indeed something that happened before, but of course he had no memory of.

"I am you," the other Jin said, and that just made Jin confused, what was exactly happening, he had a strange feeling, something he couldn't pin down, something was wrong, something was not right here, something was really off.

"But not entirely, because you see, I am the one that keeps you safe." Jin was confused, he didn't understand what was happening, it was him but it wasn't him, something about this Jin was strange, his sentences didn't make sense at all.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked,

"What do I mean..." the other Jin repeated as he let a sigh leave his lips,

"It's just that simple, I am you, you are me; we are one." The other Jin said, giving him a strange smile and then as he grabbed Jin's hand he went on,

"You see, this room we are in," he motioned with his free hand around, as if trying to show him the surroundings, but of course it was all black,

"It's not a memory, it's not a dream, this black void we are now, it's the only way the two of us can communicate with each other, because we can't exist together, not if both of us are alive at least, one of us has to go away if the other one wants to live." Jin was just more and more confused and then the next thing the other Jin said finally made sense to Jin.

"I am the one who takes your memories away."

Jin's eyes widened, it was him, the cause of all these things that happened to him, it was him all along, his memory problem, the black outs he had, the memories he thought were long gone and came back when he least expected it, the memories he forgot and never came back, were in fact there, it was just that, they weren't there for him to access, because it was him that blocked the memories.

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