Chapter 16: I need you

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Jin looked at the paper in his hand; he stared for hours at the paper that painted words that he read again and again, words that didn't make sense, scribbles of a writing he found so familiar, writing that Seokjin knew as soon as the piece of paper was turned. Jin stood there, on the couch, facing the TV set, looking at the scrap of paper in his hand and trying to figure out what it meant.

Before he could even think some more about this matter his head was starting to hurt again. The pain was back, the confusion, the blurred vision and then, a soft voice, ringing in his head, trying to reach out.

"The car, Jin, think about the car." A rasped and barely audible voice said.

"The car?" Jin repeated the words and then it looked like something clicked in his head; it was like a piece of a puzzle that was missing and now has been found. Jin thought about it for some time, putting the pieces together when it finally made sense.

"No," Jin said as his face shifted into something like confusion and disbelief, "it can't be." But there was nothing more to think about, it was the missing piece of the puzzle, the last one, it was him. Not his brother, not his family, it was him all along. The paper in his hand, the writing he found familiar but didn't know why, the car, the exact same car, it couldn't be, but it had to be.

"Nam –"Jin began, but someone spoke inside and finished what he couldn't.


Jin didn't have the time to finish his thought, Jin didn't have time to finish anything because a certain someone stepped in the room, hair all messed up, pants hanging loose. Jin crumbled the paper fast, hiding it in his pocket, and looking at Jimin he gave him a simple, yet genuine smile. The younger yawned as he raised his hand to his mouth, covering it. He looked at Jin, a smile spreading over his face and flush cheeks remembering what happened not long ago. There was a sting on his backside, not really unbearable but it made it a bit hard to move.

He slowly moved towards the couch, sitting down next to Jin. But he didn't really get to the sitting part because his lower part didn't really fancy that so with a small 'ow' he managed to sit with his head in Jin's lap, his legs sprawled over the edge of the couch, his feet going up and down in playful movements. His slim hands found their place on his stomach, resting there. His eyes looked around the room for a bit, before he finally had the courage to look up, meeting a soft smile, eyes that cherished the object before them, and yet, somehow, the image looked sad.

"How are you feeling?" Jin asked, breaking the silence that filled the room. With one hand he played there with his locks, slightly tangling his soft hair between his fingers, while the other moved to take one of the younger's hands in it, fingers crossing as they held them locked tight together.

"My butt hurts," he said chuckling, trying to hide his embarrassment, "but it's not really that bad." Jimin said and his face was flushed in red again. Jin chuckled a bit and then he bent down, trying to reach his lips, but he couldn't, so he settled with a soft kiss on his forehead that only made the younger blush harder.

"I didn't make dinner," Jin said as he looked into the younger's eyes from above.

"Let's make something together." Jimin suggested; a glint of happiness in his eyes.

It was something simple, the dinner didn't take long, but they enjoyed it. They started to cut vegetables, Jin sowing Jimin the way to do it, how to hold the knife, where to cut and how to cut it. Jin stirred some meat, which Jimin of course loved, then added the vegetables, some spices and the dinner was ready. Nice and simple.

There was only laughter and it was all so nice that they didn't want to leave the safety of the house ever again. They were there happy in their own little world. Where no one would judge them, where nothing bad can happen, where they can be themselves, where there is no one to be scared of.

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