Lieutenent Gordon

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Harleen's POV-
I need to know if I can more information of the Joker. Maybe from the police department. I can ask Lieutenant Gordon for his files. Gordon warned me and gave me a gun to protect myself. As I walked towards the exit, one of the Joker's goons stared at me and laughed like him!
When I entered my car, Gordon walked towards my car and told me that I should watch myself. I told him that I would be fine. I drove back to Arkham and walked to my office. I have to read his files and every case they didn't close! I need to know how to help him have a life like everyone else. I REALLY care about him and maybe I LOVE him. I just need more time! Later on, I had a session with Harvey, he seems to gaining progress. He has been less AGGRESSIVE and he will be released next week! Yay! I noticed the inmates have been taken into 'Electroshock Therapy'. I am always curious about how they treat the patients. They come out weary and stressed.
Later, I finally asked Mrs. Leland for another session with HIM. She told me "no", I begged her at least five or six times. She finally gave up and gave me permission. She warned me once again and told me to take notes. I am more worried about the Joker, than myself!

Suicide Squad Origin: Harley QuinnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora