The First Day...again

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"Here i am again...the first day ughh" Dan says while walking up the stairs of his school.

He passes some of his old classmates who are in different sections, they talked about how their holidays went and how they missed each other during the summer.

Suddenly the bell rang and they hurried to their classrooms, Dan was put in the first section while his classmates were in sections 2, 3 and 4.

His new teacher was already in the classroom while him and his new classmates are entering.

Dan's new teacher was Ms.Flowers who wrote her name on the board. "My name is Ms.Flowers and i am your science teacher and your main adviser got it?" The whole room said "Yes Ms.Flowers". "Good now let's get started"

Everyone introduced themselves, it is the first day after all so not much lessons being taught. Dan saw some familiar faces like old friends and classmates. When it was Dan's turn to introduce himself he awkwardly walk to the front of the class hoping he doesn't trip.

He finally got to the front of the class (because he's at the very back) and said "H...Hi, my name is Dan Michaels and i'm 13 yrs old" "Hi Dan" the class said "What are your hobbies, Dan?" Ms.Flowers asked "Well...uhm i like playing video games." "Hmm typical." Ms.Flowers whispered. "I also like reading comics and playing my bass guitar."

"Okay, thank you Dan, you may sit down." So, Dan again walks awkwardly to the back of the class where he sits next to this boy called Ned Cawth. Ned said "Hey, you said you like reading comics, well i make comics so maybe you should read some of mine." "Sure, i'll give them a read at home." Dan said "Sweet here, this one's called "The Fallout" its about a post-apocalyptic world." "Cool" Dan said.

After everyone introduced themselves, Ms.Flowers got up and said goodbye to the class.
After she left, the class got REALLY LOUD and Dan was just sitting at the back of the room then he saw a girl looking outside the window. Dan thought it was the stereotypical anime girl who has no time for losers so he just ignored her.

Their next teacher entered the class and everyone went STILL. This teachers name was Mrs.Bantz and was a bit strict but not too much. Again they just introduced themselves to the teacher. And Dan was thinking if he was going to do this the ENTIRE DAY he would go crazy...and they did.

After school was done the girl he saw near the window quickly and swiftly ran out of the class and went Home as fast as she can, but again he didn't care. He just went home, laid on his bed and listened to Fall out boy.

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