Adding Friends

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After the first day, Dan's nervousness went away because he still has 3 to 4 friends in the same section as him. The next day, Dan went to school and entered his classroom. He was waiting for Ned to give him his story back and tell him it was an interesting read.

Ned finally appeared and Dan gave the story back "Hey Ned, here's your comic back." "Cool, so what did you think about it?" "I thought it was a really deep story, you know like the main character's wife gets killed in the beginning." "Haha...yeah." Dan laughed.

After talking for a couple minutes Ms.Flowers entered the room "Good morning class." the whole class also greeted her. So while Ms.Flowers was teaching, Dan was hoping he doesn't get called to answer some stupid question but the others raised their hands to the sky.

The lesson ended and Ms.Flowers left. One of the smartest student in the class Mini Parla announced that their english teacher Mrs.Baltz is not going to attend their class because she was sick and the whole class cheered from excitement cause they have a free hour but also a bit worried because their teacher was sick.

So Dan thought it would be a great opportunity to meet some friends. He talked to the person in front of him, Romy Laurence. They talked for the whole hour, Romy even made friends with Ned and his other seatmates like Jack, J.E and Jestmarc. While talking he looked at the window and saw the girl looking out again with no one to talk to, so Dan, like the "confident" (not really) person he is thought he would talk to her at lunch.

So it was lunch time and Dan got his food. He walked up next to the girl and asked, "Can i sit with you?" the girl looked up at Dan with a none expressional face and said Yes, so he sat next to her and tried to start a conversation. The girl had a short black hair (just down to her shoulders) so Dan thought that she may like horror movies cause she looked like a girl that's interested in that kind of stuff. So Dan said to himself "Come on Dan, i know you don't like interacting with other human beings but dammit you need to grow some titballs and just ask this girl a question!"

And he did, "Uhmm Katy, right?" the girl nodded "I just wanted to...uhm...know if you like...horror movies?"
Katy said Yes, Dan felt relived and they talked the whole lunch time.

Lunch time was over and the 2 of them walked to their classroom. Their next teacher wasn't their yet so Dan made friends with the other kids.

School ended and Katy ran again, as fast as she could to get "Home"
Dan tried to follow him but, because she was so fast Dan did not catch up to her or maybe Dan was too physically unfit ( he's not fat, he just doesn't go outside much so he doesn't get much exercise) that he got really tired.

So he just went home, listened to Fall out boy and play league of legends again. Oh and he had homework but he was too lazy that he didn't do it until it was 1 a.m.

In Love with a Vampire Wanna BeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora