The Alley

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It was monday and Dan was pretty excited to meet Katy again. They chatted the whole weekend after their "Not-Date" Date.

Dan went in his class that morning and saw Katy looking outside the window as usual, when he was just about to say Hi he got stopped by Ned, "Hey Dan, Did you have a great weekend?" Ned asked. "Uh, yeah! A really, really great weekend." Dan replied. "Nice, well i finished my new comic called "Vincent" its based on the game FNAF, here." Ned said as he gave the comic to Dan. "Sounds great!"

When Ned left, Dan walked up to Katy, "Yo Katy, It was fun hanging out with you last Saturday." "Huh? Oh Hi Dan, yeah it was pretty fun we should do it again sometime." Katy replied. "By the way Mini said there's gonna be a quiz in maths today." Katy added. "WHAT?! MATHS?!" Dan said with a frustrated voice. "Uh huh, But it's the first quiz so it's probably gonna be easy." said Katy. "I hope so." Dan replied with a hopeful voice.

Their maths teacher Mrs.Blanche entered with a grumpy face. "Alright douche canoes, get out your pens 'cause you all have a quiz." she said while getting out the test papers. Dan was thinking that he can't fail this quiz, it's the FIRST QUIZ so he got really nervous. When he looked at the test papers he got relived because it was really easy and answered it quickly. When every one finished, Mrs.Blanche collected the papers, checked it and said the scores out loud. Dan was the second highest (after Mini of course) and after him was 2 of his friends, Harry and Kaleb then after that it was Katy.

After maths was done it was time for lunch time. Everyone went to the cafeteria, all of Dan's classmates sat in different tables, The main boys (Romy,Jack,J.E and Jestmarc) sat in one table, The smarties (Mini, a girl named Penny and a guy called Mat) sat in another table and Harry, Kaleb and Ned sat in the middle part of the cafeteria. However, Dan just sat next to Katy. "Hey, i know this is weird...but can i have a pinch of your blood?" Katy asked. Dan spat out his food and said "My blood? why?!" "I just need it for an Experiment, please." Katy replied. There was silence for a couple seconds until Dan asked, "Wh...What kind of experiment?" "I'll tell you but not now,Okay?" Katy replied. "Uhhh..S...sure, when?" Dan asked with a confused voice. "Just meet me outside after school." Katy relied. "Uhh...Okay."

After school, Katy ran outside quickly as usual. Dan slowly walked outside the school and saw Katy waiting, He walked to her and said "So, where are you know, take my blood?" "Follow me." The two of them walked for a few minutes, Katy stopped Dan and said "Here we are!" Dan looked with a confused face "An alley?" Dan asked. "Yup, but we call it "The Alley" Katy replied. "We?" "Huh? oh yeah me and my cat." Katy said, Follow me. They walked through the alley and stopped in front of a red door. "Okay, just wait here, got it?" Katy asked. "Uhm,sure." Katy went in the door, and after a few seconds she went back out, "Okay, i got the syringe." Katy said happily. "Oh, alright can you just do this quickly?" Dan said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever." So Katy put the syringe near Dan's arm and pressed it, "See, just a pinch like i said." "Yup...well i need to go home, oh and by the way what's behind that door?" Dan asked, "Uhm, i'll show you next time after i'm done with my experiment, Okay?" Katy replied. "Oh...Okay then, Bye!" Dan said farewell to Katy, "Bye,this really, really helps me A LOT." Katy replied and also said her farewell.

So Dan got home, tired, greeted his parents, ate dinner and went to his room for more binge watching anime. Later that "night" before Dan was about to sleep, Katy texted her, "Thnks again fr d blood earlyr, im almst done wth my xperimnt." Dan texted back with "No probs but wll u b needing my blood again?" "Idk probly not." she replied "Ok,well in need 2 go 2 sleep now, gdnght" "Sleep?, but its still early." after that text Dan got really confused and replied with "Uhhh, it's 1 a.m" "Oh, i gess ur not an nght owl" Katy replied "Guess not, goodnight" "Good"night" Katy relied and Dan went to sleep.

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