A Late Night Date

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2 weeks has passed since that amazing night and Dan really missed the feeling of being SO CLOSE to Katy and wanted to relive a night like that again, So he decided to chat Katy and see if she was willing to go on a Late Night Date (it was about 11 p.m).

"Hey, watcha doin?" Dan chatted

"nuthing much, just wtching horror movies" Katy replied

"Ur not in ur lab?" Dan asked

"no, i dont feel like xperimentng tonght" Katy answered

 Dan thought this was perfect.

"Well, im not really doin anything... u wanna go out?" Dan asked,

"at dis time? sure!" Katy replied,

"Kool, wher should we meet?" Dan added,

"At the kork tree" Katy answered.

Dan's plan worked, the Late Night Date was on! 

They both snuck out of their homes and proceeded to go to the Cork Tree. 

When Dan arrived, Katy was already there wearing all black and new glasses, gazing at the night sky where the reflection of the full moon passes through her glasses can be seen on her eyes. Dan proceeded to walk up to Katy.

"Hey Katy, When did you get those glasses?" Dan asked

"Oh, Hi Dan, Me and my parents got them yesterday after you went home from the lab. I got them because my eyesight has been kinda bad lately." Katy answered with a soft voice

"Well, they look really good on you. Anyways, Do you want to just lay down here?" Dan asked

 "No, i want to go there, into the woods." Katy answered while pointing to the woods not far from them, 

"You mean, Lonely Locust Woods?" Dan stuttered

"Is that what it's called?" Katy asked, Dan nodded

"Yeah, The story goes, that woods was full of  locust but one day, all of them disappeared except for one, hence the name." Dan explained

 "Oh, Well come on." Katy said while walking towards the woods. Dan didn't want to go but he had no choice.

They went inside the woods, it was dark but there was still light from the full moon passing through the tree branches. Dan followed Katy skipping through the woods with a smile on her face, Dan thought she was going crazy but didn't mind it.

While skipping, Katy saw a rusty bench with the moonlight shining directly at it which she thought was weird just placed there but proceeded to sit on it anyway. Dan followed and sat on the bench as well and they looked at the full moon together with Katy's head resting on Dan's shoulder. They sat together not saying a single word until Dan asked Katy,

"Katy, Do you think there's a Forever?"

"Of course." Katy replied,

"No, I mean, is there a relationship that last Forever?" Dan asked,

"Yes, Couples just can't reach." Katy replied with a soft,

"Why is that?" Dan asked again,

"Well, Of course they die, Its inevitable. But its also because they can't hold their relationship together, there's either lack of trust or lack of love, Its one of the two." Katy replied,

"Oh... Do you think our relationship will last Forever?" Dan asked,

"No, Let's just make the best of it." Katy replied,

"Well, When do you think our relationship will end?" 

"When we die... duh. Now can we stop with the questions and let's just relax." Katy replied,

"Sure..." Dan answered.

They gazed at the moon for a good 30 minutes with saying word, It was really relaxing for the both of them. Katy then took out her sketch pad which she was holding the entire time and started to draw the moon. After another 30 minutes she was finished, Dan was amazed of how quick she was.

"Wow, You're already done?" Dan asked,

"Yeah, Can we go home now? I'm kinda tired." Katy asked,

"Oh sure, Let's go." Dan replied.

They got up and proceeded to walk out of the woods and went to Katy's backyard,

"Thanks for the amazing night Dan." Katy said with a happy voice,

"No problem." Dan replied.

They kissed and Katy climbed to her bedroom window while Dan went home.

Short i know and kinda "Bad" ending but i could't think of anything else... is it too late now to say "Sorry"? but i think 600+ are enough.

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