Warehouse and a Confession

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"At last, the first holiday. Thank you bad weather!" Dan said with a cheerful voice. After a few minutes of laying in bed, Katy texted Dan. "Sup Dan, u got some rst?" "Yea....listen, can i ask u sumthing?" "Sure, wat is it?" "U got sum cool stuff bck in ur "Lab" i just wanna know where u got it." "Hmm, i'll show, just meet me at the L Mall. da same place we met the 1st time, got it?" "Cool wut time?" "Is 3 p.m fine" "Its great, see u there."

So Dan went downstairs and told his parent he was going to meet Katy at mall. "Are you gonna need more money?" His Dad said playful voice. "Well...Can i?" "Of course, anything for our son's date." His Mom added. "Again, it's not a date." Dan protested. "Sure it isn't son, Well what time are you meeting?" His Dad asked. "3 p.m, Why?" "Good, Because you need to do some chores around here." His Dad said. Chores was one of Dan weakness, So he got a bit annoyed. "Chores?! Why?" Dan said with an irritated voice. "Hey, Do you want that money for your date or not?" His Dad said with a demanding voice. "Ugh, Fine but again, It's not a date." "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Dan did his chores and his Father gave him some money. After that, Dan got ready, said goodbye to his parents, left and went to the mall. When he got there at exactly 3, He saw Katy in front of the same clothes shop they met the first time. "Yo Katy!" Dan greeted. "Hey Dan, Are you ready to know where i get all my cool stuff?" Katy replied. "Yeah, Let's go." "Alright, Follow me." Katy instructed.

Dan followed Katy (He was thinking this was becoming a normal occurrence by now) to the end of the mall and went out the back exit. "Here?" Dan asked. "No dummy, over there." Katy said and pointed at a rusty door from a big building behind the mall, "Now come on." So they ran through the rain until they got to the door. Dan tried to open it but it didn't budge, "It won't open." "Duh douche canoe, You need a key. Here." Katy said while taking out a key from her pocket. "Oh...Wait "Douche Canoe?" Isn't that what Mrs.Blache says?" Dan asked "Yup, i thought it was a funny insult so i tried saying. Now let's go in before someone see's us." Katy said quietly. "So what if someone see's us?" "Look, i'll explain it when we get inside." "Okay, okay, Let's go."

When they got in, Dan quickly asked, "Now can you tell me why your scared someone might see?" "Ugh fine, This was a warehouse that got burned years ago. Everyone thought all the stuff got destroyed so they just didn't care to look anymore, So i looked in to it and saw almost everything was fine, except for a couple burned shoes but that was really it to be honest." Katy explained. "Wow, Well are you gonna show me around?" Dan asked. "Yeah, What items are you particularly interested in?" "Uhm...Is there a tech area or something?" "Uhhh...Oh,Yeah, yeah,yeah, over here."

They went to the 4th aisle and Dan saw a lot of rusty "sciency stuff" and futuristic looking tech. "Woah, Look at all this stuff, Is that a Intel Core i7-6700K? Who would throw this out? "Dan asked with excitement . "I dunno, but this where i got my stuff. You can look around if you want." Katy said. "Yeah, okay."

Dan looked around the Warehouse. While exploring he saw a toy water gun and went over to it, when he grabbed it, he felt that there was still a bit of water so he decided he was going to spray Katy with it for fun.(Don't get the wrong idea) So he called out to Katy, "Katy! Katy where are you!" "I'm by the audio speakers! 7th aisle!" Katy shouted back. "Okay, I'm coming over!"

When Dan got to the 7th aisle, He saw Katy looking at a slightly broken speaker and said to her, "Hey Katy, I have surprise for you." Dan said with a mischievous face. "What is it?" "This!" Dan quickly got out the water gun and sprayed Katy with it. "Dan, Dan, Dan, Stop it!"Katy demanded. "Oh come on, It was fun." Dan said with a playful voice. "Yeah i guess, but now my clothes are a bit wet." Katy complained. "Well...Maybe we can find some used clothes here." They looked around, Dan saw a black long sleeves shirt that says "Screw being a Princess, i want to be a Vampire" and Black jeans, He thought it was perfect for her.

"Hey, I found some that is perfect for you, Here." Dan said while giving the clothes to Katy. Katy looked at it, "Cool, I love it!" Katy said with excitement. "Are you gonna put it on?" Dan asked. "Yeah..but" "But what?" "You need you to...turn around." Katy said with an embarrassed voice. "Oh, Yeah...Sorry. I'll go to that now." So Dan turned around and Katy put on the clothes. "Okay, I'm done." "Alright, Let's see how you loo... Woah." Dan said with a shocked face. "What? Do i look bad?" Katy asked. "No, no, no...You look...beau...perfect." "Really?" "Yeah, You look just like a Wanna be Vampire." "A Wanna be Vampire? That's a good name." *Wink* "Well...We can go now." Are you done exploring?" "Yeah" "Okay then, Let's go." They left the Warehouse and went back to the mall.

"Do you wanna eat?" Dan asked. "Yea, What about the same japanese restaurant we went to last time?" Katy asked. "Again? Okay." So they went to the same japanese restaurant and ordered ramen again. "So, Have you drawn more vampires?" Dan asked. "Yup, Look" Katy said while taking out her Sketch pad. "Do you bring that everywhere you go?" "Yeah, Now here's my new drawings." Katy showed her drawings to Dan until the waiter brought them their food. They talked while eating and even after eating, Dan looked at his watch as saw it was 6 p.m. "That's the time? We should probably go home now." Dan said. "Oh...Okay." Katy said with a sad voice because she doesn't want to leave Dan. "Whats wrong? Was the food bad?" Dan asked. "No...it's just...." "Just what?" "I think i love you too" Katy quickly said and covered her mouth.

"Huh? You love me TOO?" Dan asked. "Ugh, How many times am i going say this? Look, i know you have feelings for me and i think i'm having feelings for you too." Katy said. "Oh...O-okay...Well...What now?" "I don't know, You said you wanted to go home?" "Yeah, Let's do that and talk about what happened tomorrow...Okay?" "Sure." So they walked out the restaurant, awkwardly said their goodbyes to each other and went their separate ways. 

When Dan got home, He greeted his parents and said he wasn't going to eat because he already ate in the mall. So he just went to his room and said to himself, "Damn it Dan! Why didn't you say you loved her too! It was your chance! STOP BEING SO SOCIALLY AWKWARD!"

*In Katy's Room*


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