The Move

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The next day, Dan woke up with a sore body, reminiscing of the events that happened last night. He stood up and went downstairs to meet his parents. It was the weekend so there was a perfect breakfast waiting for him downstairs. His parents had big smiles on their faces. Dan sat down and ate his food. While eating he kept looking at his parents that was also looking back at him still smiling. 

"Alright, i'll budge. Why do you guys seem so happy?" Dan asked.

"Well, your Dad has some big news. Go on, Honey." His Mom said.

"Son, do you know where the main HQ of the company i'm working at is located?" His Dad asked.

" Chicago, right?"

"That's right, and I have just been promoted as assistant manager there."

"Cool, but that's a long, long way from here. (They live in San Francisco.)" Dan wondered.

"It is. So that's why we're MOVING!" His Mom said cheerfully.

Dan choked on his drink and spits some out in surprise.

"What? When?"

"Tomorrow, So you better start packing and say your goodbyes to your friends because you probably won't see them for a good amount of time."

"We already packed some of your clothes and talked to your school about us leaving and they gave us all the requirements for us to enroll you to another school. We also said to all the staff to not say anything to you." His Mom added.


"Because we wanted to keep a secret. Haha"

Dan was really hating his parents for this but he understood it.

After breakfast, Dan went back up to his room and texted Katy about the news his parents told him about.

"Hey...How u doin?"

"Ok i guess, im still kinda shocked about what happened last night...all of my work. gone"

"I know, im sorry but i have some news."

"What is it?"

"My dad just got promoted..."

"Really? that's greatQ."

"I know it is but that means he's gonna move Chicago."

"I'm happy for your father :D but...that's really far, i assume you're moving...soon?"

"Yeah... :I I'm sorry." 

Katy didn't reply for about 10 minutes which Dan understood. Then she did.

"So when's your last day?"


They talked about it for a good hour and decided to meet tomorrow. Dan thought about it after. Will they just end it when it was time for him to go? Long distance seemed difficult even though he's not going to a different country, it was still a long way apart. He can probably only visit twice in 2 months. Though he was leaving so soon, he was going to visit San Francisco a month after...But. Katy wasn't going to be there because she is going to New York for a family thing she told Dan a few weeks ago. And she wasn't going to return until AFTER Dan's visit so it was really bad timing. 

After thinking about everything for about an hour and a half, he chatted all of his friends about him moving. They all thought "It's just so fast, Dan." but they knew they're not gonna not see him anymore and just send all their best wishes to him.

The next day came, The day Dan leaves. He wasn't going to leave until late afternoon so him and Katy was going to hang-out as much as they can. They didn't to go to The Warehouse or other places they'd usually hang-out, they just went to the park. They laid on the green grass and just hold hands.

"We should webcam like, everyday." Dan suggested.

"How? I don't have one." Katy sat up, knees to her chin.

"I'll buy you one."

"When? You're leaving in a couple hours."

"I'll leave it in your mail when i visit next month."


Suddenly, Dan's phone vibrated. It was his Dad.

"Uhm...My Dad wants me home." Dan said with a soft voice and stood up.

"Oh..."Katy said while looking down on the grass.

"I guess, I should go."

"Okay." Katy stood up as well.

They just stared  for a few seconds and then hugged each other. Yup, just a hug.

"Listen, I don't want to say goodbye so...see you next time?" Dan said with a kind of cheerful voice.

"Visit me. Okay?" Katy smiled and so did Dan.

They broke the hug and Dan walked away, while Katy just stood there looking at him with the smile turning to a frown. There was no kiss just a hug because he knew it was just going to feel like a tragic anime and he wouldn't like that and got a feeling Katy wouldn't either. Dan knew he shouldn't look back, but he did and it was an agonizing site. Dan thought to himself, Don't go back , it would just make it worse. Turn around and keep going.

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