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It was the last day before a 2 week vacation. It was lunch time at school and Dan was talking to Romy. Romy was talking about his problem with Penny. Because Romy liked her but Penny noticed and started ignoring him. 

"You know, You shouldn't talk to me about this stuff, I am literally the worst advice giver ever." Dan explains while grabbing his water bottle.

"Why, Its not like you'd tell a kid to go to the deep web or something crazy like that." Romy jokingly said.

Dan was speechless and just drank his water while awkwardly looking up the ceiling.

"Wow, okay, moving on. I just want to be friends with her again, but she still thinks i like her which i don't." Romy explained.

"Wait, So Penny ignored you for liking her before, but now you don't like her in that way anymore and she's still ignoring you?" Dan asked.

Romy nodded.

"Hm, I had the same problem in my old school with this girl Katherine." Dan explained.

"Really? What happened?" Romy asked with a full mouth of food.

"Turns out, we ignored each other for no reason." Dan explained.

"Oh, then what happened?" Romy asked again.

"Haha, Yeah, we didn't talk again." Dan said with a cheerful voice but suddenly changed to a non-expressional face and tone.

"Uhmm, okay, but i don't think it's the same with Penny." Romy said.

"Yeah, maybe. Wait, why don't you talk to Katy about this? She and Penny are really good friends." Dan suggested.

"Yeah, you're right. That's a good idea." Romy said while giving Dan a brofist.

The bell rang and Romy and Dan went back to their classroom. Ms.Flowers was their which was odd because she wasn't their last teacher. Ms.Flowers explained that the reason their last period teacher was absent was because he was sick. After hearing this, Romy thought this was the perfect opportunity to talk to Katy about Penny. 

"Hey Katy!" Romy politely greeted.

"Hey Romy, what can i help you with?" Katy asked.

"Glad you asked, it's about Penny." Romy said.

Katy suddenly stop and went closer.

"I... used to like her but then she found out and she started ignoring me. But now, i don't anymore and she stills ignore me. Can you... help me be friends with her again?" Romy explained.

"Wow, Uhmm... i'll see what i can do, i can't promise anything though." Katy said with a bit of shock.

"Thanks, i'll see you in 2 weeks!" Romy said cheerfully and left.

The school bell rang and everyone cheered with happiness. All of Dan and Katy's classmates went home except for them, they went to The Lab like usual. When they arrived, Katy did her usual thing and Dan just surfed the web. While Katy was in the middle of pouring some weird liquid into a small container, Dan suddenly asked,

"Oh, Did Romy talk to you about Penny?"

"Yeah, it's weird, why would he ask me for help?" Katy also asked.

"Uhh, i might have told him to." Dan said awkwardly.

"What? Why?" Katy said with an irritated voice.

"'Cause, You and Penny are good friends, So i thought it was a no brainer." Dan explained.

"Fine, But i didn't promise anything to Romy, So its not my fault if i can't help much." Katy said.

The two proceeded to do their own thing until Dan decided to go home. They said their goodbyes and Dan went home. While walking, She saw Penny at a old playground. He walked up to her and greeted, 


"Dan, Hi! What are you doing here?" Penny asked with a smile.

"I was just heading home, then i saw you. What are you doing here?" Dan replied.

"I come here from time to time. It reminds me of the old times, when me and my parents would visit this exact playground." Penny explained while looking at a rusty swing set.

"Oh, So you like playgrounds." Dan asked.

"Yeah, they're nice." Penny replied.

"Cool, Well, I'll see you after the vacation." Dan said happily as he hugged Penny and went home.

Dan didn't really know how to help Romy with Penny, So every time Romy would chat him about her, He would just reply with "I'm thinking." but in reality, He wasn't. 

During the vacation, Dan and Katy went on a few dates and Dan and Romy hanged out a couple times too, The same goes with Katy and Penny. 

The vacation ended and Dan knew what to say to Romy. He was going to say that Romy needs the courage/confidence to just talk to Penny and explain everything. He saw Romy at his locker and walked up to him and slammed Romy's locker, not realizing that he accidentally hit Romy's fingers.

"Aw, F@#%! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Romy screamed in pain. 

"Oh Sh@#! Sorry, sorry, i was trying to do the thing where, someone suddenly closes your locker and trying to look cool." Dan quickly explained with a worried face.

"Why?!" Romy asked while still in pain.

"Because i was trying to look cool. Whatever, I know what you're going to do to be friends with Penny again." Dan replied.

"Okay, What?" Romy asked.

"You just need to be brave and just talk to her. It's as simple as that, Just explain everything and she will understand."Dan explained.

"What if she doesn't?" Romy asked while taking his books out of his locker.

"Well then, you're on you're own. Oh, there she is." Dan said while pointing to Penny who was in the other side of the hallway.

"Now remember, confidence, okay?" Dan reminded.

Romy agreed and went up to Penny.

"Go get'em tiger." Dan whispered.

When Romy went face to face to Penny, He explained everything while Dan was looking from a distance.

After about a minute or two, Romy and Penny said goodbye to each other and Romy went back to Dan.

"So, How did it go?" Dan quickly asked.

"Great, i think." Romy answered.

"You think? Why, What happened?" Dan said with a confused voice.

"Well, She said she understands and hopefully that she and i can become good friends again." Romy explained.

"That's good, that's really good. I'm proud of you, dude." Dan said happily.

They gave each other a brofist and went to class. 

Hi, so i know we don't really know much about the 2 characters (Romy and Penny) so that's why i gave them their own small chapter. I was also kinda forced to do this so just an FYI

Bye~! (/^▽^)/

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