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Ashton's outfit above <3

"Where are you going all dressed up?" My mum asked me. I was dressed in a suit minus the trousers and shoes. Instead I wore skinny jeans and black hightop converse.

I looked hot, if I wasn't me I would so.. Ew don't be weird Luke. "I actually have a kind of date?" I replied to my mum.

"Already? We've barely been here 24 hours." She giggled, fiddling with my shirt. "Who's the lucky lady?"

I didn't want to tell her I was dating a guy, let alone a guy who dressed like a girl so, I lied. ''Ashley. She's real pretty." The second part wasn't a lie however.
''Well have fun and don't come back and I find out I'm gonna be a granny." She joked. I laughed, knowing that there was a fat chance of that happening.

It was nearing eight o'clock so I headed out of the hotel and walked towards Ashton's house. I almost got lost on the way but in the end I made it.

I opened the wooden gate and nervous fiddled with my fingers as I waited by the door, I rung the bell once then waited for the pretty boy to arrive. Instead, though I was met by a middle aged woman who I could tell was obviously his mother.

"Hello there. You must be Luke. Come in, Ashton will be down shortly." She said holding the door opened for me. Her thick Cockney accent almost too hard to understand.

She told me to take a seat in the livingroom whilst I waited. The house was truely beautiful, I was in awe. "So what brings you to London? " She inquired, Ashton must have told her I wasn't from around these parts.

"My family is here for the summer.'' I inform her.

"Oh how lovely. Would you like a drink? Jack and coke okay?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." I smiled politely.

She left to go get me my refreshment, leaving me alone in the large room. I averted my eyes toward the flat screen tv and watched what ever was on until she returned with my drink. "Thank you." I said and she just waved her hand.

Before anything else could be said someone cleared their throat from the other side of the room before walking over. My eyes immediately darted toward the noise and was stunned by what I saw.

Ashton smiled shyly and held his pink clutch back infront of him as he walked over flawlessly. He wore a floral crop top with a white shirt that ws longer at the back and baby pink heels to accompany his outfit.

I stood up at his arrival and kissed his cheek before we sat down again. Ashton's mother smiled at us before standing uo to leave.

"You look... wow." I managed, still in shock at the boy's beauty. He used a finger to hide loose stands of hair behind his ear whilst blushing. "Thank you."

I downed my drink and stood up, arm held out for him to take. He giggled and took it. "Where are we going?" He asked as we walked out the door.

"Anywhere you want. I mean I would surprise you but I don't know london very well. " I replied shamefully and awaited his disappointed response. However he just smiled and said, "Well there's this restraunt I like. But it's kind of expensive so-"

"Money isn't an issue, don't worry." I said to the shy boy. He was so adorable I just wanted to eat him out. I mean up.

"Okay." He giggled and tightened his arm around mines. We walked straight on for about ten minutes when we arrived at our destination.

The restaurant was truely.. something. It was like one of those places you had to dress to the nines to get into. Me and my lip ring probably wont fit in to well here, I thought.

"Won't we need a reservation?'' I asked the boy.

He replied with; "Don't worry about it." As I led him into the place they called Diletto.

"Do you have a res- Oh Ashton dear, I didn't recognise you there. I must say, you look dashing tonight." The man at the front desk complimented him. He blushed and muttered a thanks as we were led to the table. I hurried to the other side of it and pulled back the chair for Ashton and he politely thanked me with a amused grin.

"So I'm guessing you come here often?" I asked, referring to his familiarity with the waiter.

He nodded, "Yes. My mum owns the place."

I whistled, "Wow." As I tried to figure out which was the salad fork. "Shall I order us drinks?"

"Please". I skimmed through the menu hoping to find a can of Fosters, without luck so I opted for some type of wine. The waiter arrived and I ordered mine. "Just make that a bottle with two glasses, Edward."

"So, tell me more about your self." I asked, intrigued.

"Well, I'm Ashton Irwin, I'm 17 years old. I like wearing makeup and dresses, not because I want to be a girl. I just like looking pretty. Plus clothes are for people. Not gender. I like reading, writing and listening to music. I'm going to marry Harry Styles one day and I like tall lanky guys with lip rings."

I found myself blushing at his comment. "I'm Luke, I'm 18. Kind of straight. I like video games and pizza, I'm obsessed with All Time Low and Green Day. I prefer dogs over cats and I fancy the pants off some guy who likes to be pretty."

His cheeks turned every shade of red and he smiled at the ground shyly.

We ordered food and got to know one another. I discovered that Ashton felt 'different' since ge was a child. He wanted to be a nursery teacher and he loved the titanic, a movie I'd never seen.

After dessert, the two of us left for the walk home and I noticed Ashton was trailing behind. "What's wrong?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him. He gave me an embarrassed look and pointed to his heels. "My feet are sore." He frowned.

I sighed and walked over to him and bent my knees. "What are you doing?" He giggled.

"Jump." And he jumped on my back, I walked with ease as he was so light.

The walk was too short for my liking as we arrived at his front gate. I dropped him to his feet and turned around to face the beautiful boy.

"Tonight was great. Thanks for paying. You didn't have to do that.''

"For you. Anything." I said (smooth Luke). He replied with a hearty laugh. "So." I said, not knowing what happens next.

"So are you going to kiss me or what?" He said confidently.
I immediately leant down to his height and brushed our noses together. He wrapped his slim arms around my neck, mines around his waist.

I leant in and connected our lips, pecking his lips lightly, lingering them for longer than I should have. He pulled away but I pulled back, needing more of his touch.

Our lips moved in sync slowly, passionatly and we stayed that way for what felt like an eternity. We both eventually pulled away and stared into each others eyes.
"Thanks." I kissed his bronzed cheek. "No thankyou." He giggled once more, making me peck him one more time.

This boy was infectious. "See me tomorrow?"

"Yes. Give me your phone and I'll give you my number. " He took the device and tapped in his digits.

When I arrived back at the hotel I jumped on my bed and sighed in content.

Am I falling for a pretty boy?

How did you feel about this chapter?

Pretty Ashton?

Gentlemanly Luke?

The date?

Luke lying about who he's meeting?


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