don't ask me pt1

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"Meet me at the bus stop outside of yours after school." I whisper walking past Ashton, who today looks even more beautiful than ever. His frilly black skirt and tights, that cream sweater that hugs his slim figure perfectly. Not to mention they sexy heels that he walks in with a little shake of his plump bottom.

"Okay." He mumbles, holding his books tighter to his chest.

And that's it. That's all the communication in public I can deal with. Although that boy means the world to me, I can't bring myself to even hold a casual conversation about the weather with him. Because people talk, especially teenagers. For example, when Monroe and I began hanging out, everyone assumed we were dating. That was fine, because well she's a girl. Even my mum ships us, maybe I should've dated her, I wouldn't be in this stupid position if I did. But it's way to late for that, seeing as she hates me now.

And it hurts. I've set up Operation Lonroe to save our friendship, which is going to prove to be difficult seeing as guard dog Clifford is always glued to her side, protecting her from Satan himself; me.

I stroll into music class and decide not to sit on my own again, I pull out my usual chair at the back of the classroom and sit down, waiting for the arrival of Monroe and her body guards of course. I watch the door in anticipation and bite my lip as the class fills up. Soon enough, in walk the three musketeers laughing about something Monroe said. That should be me laughing at her cringe worthy jokes and slapping her arm when she mocks my laugh.

They all send me death glares as they made their way to our table but sit down anyway. I feel so left out as they chatter away. "Hey guys." I nervously say. It feels like the room has gone silent. All eyes on me. I smile at each of them as they give me suspicious looks.

"Hi." Michael bluntly replies.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Fine." Monroe snaps.

"Good good."

And that seems to be all I'm getting from her, at least it's something I suppose and I'm not gonna stop trying. "So we need to work on the drums. Monroe I'll partner with you whilst the guys work on the guitar notes?" I muster up the courage to propose.

"Fine." She returns as if I asked her if her parents were dead.

Calum and Michael reluctantly leave us alone to start on the project. She
speaks to me like I'm a stranger doing a dodgy business deal with her. "Monroe. Please can we talk, about us?" I ask hopefully.

"What's there to talk about?" She glares.

"I miss you." I frown.

She doesn't reply but I can see it him her eyes that she's hurting too. "I'm sorry." I whisper, looking my thumbs as I fiddle with them. Once I look up I catch a tear swimming down her face as she distracts her self by writing down some notes on her tear stained paper.

"I made up with Ashton. We're going on a date today..." I add in hopes that's going fix all of my problems.

Monroe's expression changes from hurt to anger. "Well Ashton's an idiot." She sneers. The rest of the class we work in silence until she returns to Michael's side. "Are you two dating?" I call over.

"Don't ask me. You don't get to ask me anymore." Monroe spits with a hint of venom.

I shut my eyes in hopes that I could turn back time and go back to when I wasn't such an ass as my free friends walked out of the class. Out of my life.

The rest of the day drags on, I feel as if I've been staring at a drying wall as the paint soaks in all day. I've been getting more and more nervous as the day drags on. This date with Ashton could be my last shot at having him to myself.

The bell sounds through the hallways indicating school is finally over, I feel liberated as I walk back out of those doors to hell, like I've just been released from prison after serving a long sentence.

I drive to said meeting place and wait on Ashton's arrival, I could have picked him up but that would mean risking people seeing us. That can't ever happen. Ever.

I tap the steering wheel in time to the beat of the stereo and check my rear view mirror for a cute boy strolling towards me. He's still not here yet, it shouldn't take this long for him to return from school, maybe he's hurt? What if something unspeakable happened to him? Maybe he just ditched me.

Ending my misery, I notice a slim figure flawlessly walking towards my car. When I realise it's Ashton I sit up straight, checking my hair looks okay in the mirror. "Hi." The boy says as he steps into my car.

"Hey babe." I smile sweetly.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"You'll see my sweet." I wink.

Seeing as it's a nice day I thought that I'd drive Ashton to the lake and we can spend some quality time together, hopefully I'll win him back.

"Tell meeee." The impatient lad squeals like a child as I drive him to our destination. "Just be patient baby" I remove a hand from the wheel and reluctantly place it on his knee.
Must to my surprise he let's me keep it there.

Ashton's face lights up as he realises where we're going. "Wait." I say before he let's himself out of the car. I step out and walk to his side, opening the door for him. "Thanks" He says sweetly.

"Luke?" Ashton grabs my arm after the inductor explains the safety procedures. "Yes love?"

"I don't have swimming stuff with me." He mumbles.

"Me either." I wiggle my eyebrows jokingly. "Let's get you into this boat huh?" I tap his bum.

"Wow this is beautiful." Ashton admires my family boat as I set up the engine.

"You ready?" I rev the engine.

"Mhm" He nods with excitement.

So I put the boat into reverse and drive into the deep area of the fresh, clean lake. "Wanna swim?" I ask after stopping the bonnie boat.

"Sure, I guess." He fiddles with his fingers.

"What's up love?" I step closer to him and remove the strand of hair covering his eyes.

"Don't laugh." He looks up at me.

"I would never."

"I don't want you to see me with out makeup." He whispers.

I giggle. "Babe you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I'm sure that you're just as stunning without your war paint."

"Mkay" He replies, still unsure.

Without replying, I begin to strip down to my boxers. "Well what are you waiting for?" I step closer and slowly pull off his sweater and discard it on to the ground.

"So pretty. So so pretty."

Okay people I have a question... smùt in this story or na?

I love you.

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