teardrops on my shirt

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"Luke is that you?" A voice of shock asks me.

I quickly push Ashton off of my knee to face the voice and sigh in relief when I realise it's only Monroe. She grins at me knowingly. "I did not expect to see my bestfriend practically having sex in public." She laughs and sits down in the chair next to me.

I forget Ashton's still laying on the floor so I give him a hand up. "Sorry babe. This loser gave me a fright." He just waves me off saying it's okay. I realise now I need to be much more careful with Ashton, Monroe could have been anyone from school or even worse my mum or brothers.

I can't be caught with him, I just can't. He would ruin everything, I'm thinking it would be a lot easier for me if Ashton was a girl. But he's not. I've made my bed and now I have to lie in it. Damn you feelings, this kid has ruined my initial plan, to find a girl, settle down and be accepted by my peers.

Damn you Ashton.

I pretend to listen to the other two mindlessly gossiping about how even though Louis has a 'booty' he'll always top in Larry. What the fuck are they even going on about.

"Don't you think so Luke?" Monroe asks me.

"What?" I say, coming out of my trance.

"Ashton looks hot. I'm so jealous."

"Stop. You da cutest!" Ashton replied for me.

"Sorry I'm on team Monroe. You're the cutest babe." I smoothly say with a wink.

"See!" She says.

"I hate you." Ashton looks at me and pouts for me not taking his side.

"Damn" I hold my hands up in surrender. "You're both equally beautiful." I say. Nice save.

They tell me to shut up in sync and Monroe diverts the conversation. "Are you still getting bother at school, Ash?"

"Um, yeah. A little but I can handle it. " He says but his eyes say differently.

"Ashton you know I will personally kick all of their asses for you. You too, right Luke?"

"Yeah." I lie knowing that I wouldn't say or do a thing to rescue Ashton.

Whilst the Ash and Monroe continue to trash talk each of his bullies, I zone out, thinking of what the guys would say knowing I'm here with Ashton.

They'd probably say I'm as much as a freak as him. They'd say I'm a 'tranny shagger'. They'd disown me. And mum? She'd refuse to call me her son ever again. I'd probably be left homeless, with no where to go.

Is Ashton worth all of that? That's what I'm trying to figure out.
But would I ever be able to let him go? Watch as he falls in love with another?

I stare ahead and notice a bunch of rowdy lads heading in our direction. I don't recognise them so they must not go to our school. But their staring, laughing and pointing at the one thing I hold dearly. Ashton.

This isn't gonna end well.

"Yo, is that not Luke Hemmings sitting with the tranny?" One of them asks.

"What the hell is he doing with that?"

"Shut up man. His hot friend is there."

"Who Monroe? You've no chance with her dude!"

Monroe and Ashton turn to face the gang with glares on their faces. Me? I just sit here with my head facing the ground.

"Luke why are you with that freak?" They must be in the year below us. This can't be happening. They know me. So they must know my friends. What if they tell everyone I was sitting with the freak?

"Man, the creep just came and sat by me. I was casually enjoying some junk food and then he was just there. I think he's stalking me." I say

"Pffft. Come with us man. You might catch the gayness from him."


"You coming Monroe?"

"Fuck off Luke." She snaps at me, un able to look me in the eye. My bestfriend is discusted in me. My 'boyfriend's' heart is broken.

As I walk away I whisper to the shocked two. "Please forgive me."

This was kind of a filler because I've been feeling pressured to write this. It kind of sucks because my mind is in other places.

I'm sharing this with you guys so you understand. I have issues, like everyone else, but I'm not as strong as anyone else so I take it out on other things to ease the pain. My mental health condition is worsening and so my concentration is low. So sorry for the shitty chapter. I'm not trying to gain your sympathy. I'm just saying so you understand why.

I love you

_Emma Jane x

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