stained cheeks

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Ashton's outfit above

Tonight is the night. The night I tell Ashton that I love him and never want us to part. Losing him broke my heart and I promise myself I'm never going to let it happen again. Let's turn this summer romance into an all seasons affair.

Every night I dreamt of him in his pretty little outfits, every day I imagine his lips on mines. Every time I picture him I see him in light, like an angel sent down from heaven to watch over me or a lighthouse in a sea of storms. Like Juliet, Ashton is the sun.

I impatiently wait by the door to be greeted by a middle aged woman who embraces me tightly. "Oh Luke. I'm so glad to see you again." I'm trying to reply but she's squeezing the life out of me. Finally she releases her firm grip on me and ushers me inside where I wait on the sofa with a glass of Jack and Coke.

She tells me the reason the family moved overseas, her business was booming so she decided to expand, moving the kids to Australia to start her new venture. I congratulate her and we continue on with the conversation when we're interrupted by the sound of boots descending the staircase. Ashton.

I stand up and await his arrival, watching as he elegantly walks down each step, holding on to the banister.
The moment is like a movie scene, except this is reality. My reality. And this boy is mines.

"Hey Lukey." He giggles, knowing I'm staring.

"Hello princess. You look great." I compliment, turning his cheeks to a crimson colour. "So do you." He refers to my skinny jeans with a red and black flannel. What I'm wearing is nothing compared to this beauty now standing in front of me.

"Shall we go?" I hold out my hand and he takes it with his own. We bid farewell to his mum and walk out the door, waiting road side for our taxi to arrive. I plan to take him into town for a meal, that way no one we know will see us. My secret will be kept safe.

Although it's breaking my heart to keep Ashton hidden like this, I know it's in my best interests. Gosh I sound like an ass, but I have to keep this to my self. Otherwise I lose everything.

Once we eventually reach town I decide against my original plan. "Say, why don't we go mini golfing instead?" I propose. He nods eagerly and we run towards the course. I pay for our balls (I laughed writing that) and take our clubs to the start point. I hand him one, "Thank you." I smile at his politeness and ask myself how the hell I managed to pull such a sophisticated guy.

We begin the game with me getting a hole in one and Ashton, let's just say I've had to do the cliché move of standing directly behind him and helping him put. Not that I mind though. I do however mind that "little Luke" enjoyed being pressed against Ashton's bum way to much.

Once I win the game with ease, we make our way to the food court and order some fast food and I watch intently as he nibbles on a fry like a cute little hamster. "Ashton. There's something I need to tell you." His face drops and he looks to the ground. "Have you found someone else?"

"What? No. I love you."


"I. Love. You." His face lights up like in the scene of Peter Pan where Wendy kisses Peter back to life. He drops his fry and stares at me in shock

"Please say something." I'm starting to get worried by his lack of verbal reaction. He, much to my shock, leaps out of his chair, runs around the table and jumps on my lap, staring into my eyes.

Our noses brush against each other and I can feel the tears streaming down his face. I place my thumb to his cheek and wipe the smudged mascara.

He sniffles, "I love you too, my Lukey. And he snakes his arms around my neck, body still perched in my lap and places a sweet kiss to my nose. "I love you so much." And our lips collide in a heated, passionate kiss. Neither of us seem to care that we're in a public place.

But the moment is cut short when someone taps my shoulder. "Luke is that you?" A voice of shock asks me.


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