runaway, coward

786 51 14

School is finally over. I've been avoiding a certain someone all day due to my shady actions at lunch time. Hopefully she'll cool down by tomorrow, I just have to stay away until that time. But unfortunately she knows everything.

I pick up my pace, knowing there's a hot headed female hot on my trail. The 5"8 black belt is out for my blood.

"Lucas." She calls in a threatening tone.

"Sorry, gotta dash, things to do, people to see and stuff like that. See you around." I must look like an idiot walking to in the speed I'm almost running at.

I'm a coward, I know, but in all seriousness; you don't want to get on her bad side. So here I am at three thirty in the afternoon escaping the wrath of Monroe.

"Yeah you better run." She yells as I rush to the car, fumbling in my pocket for my keys.

I get in and drive off in a hurry. Once I park up in the garage I run straight to the stairs. "If anyone comes here tell 'em I went to the mall." I order my mum. She gives me some look but nods any way.

Then I stomp up to my room and barricade the door with my computer chair. I'm being dramatic but I don't really fancy being slaughtered before I graduate.

After a few minutes I decide that my angered bestfriend decided not to follow me after all and I begin to relax. That is, until I hear the pounding ascending the stairs.

"Shit she's found me. Abort Luke." I say out loud to myself and search my room for a place to hide. There's nowhere to hide. Just stay quiet, Luke it'll be okay. I promise.

"Just in case I don't survive, good bye phone, goodbye days old pizza, good bye tv, goodbye bed." I say to myself.

"Luke open the door, I just wanna talk. I swear." I see right through her false pretence, she's like a Spider luring me into her trap.

"You know I could probably break the door down if I wanted to right? And I'm not leaving until you let me in. I have all day Hemmings."

"You promise you're not gonna beat me up with a baseball bat?"


I edge towards the door and slowly pull the chair out of the way. Then I put my hand on the knob and twist, revealing a red in the face Monroe.

'Oh shit." I run to the safety of my bed as she continuously punches my arm.

"Stop." I defend my self by covering my face.

She stops for a second. "What the hell was that at lunch? I couldn't have served up Ashton to you more than if I put him on a platter with potatoes, veg and gravy. And you didn't evem acknowledge us. What the fuck dude?" She punches me again.

"Ow!" I rub my probably bruised arm. "Because I wanted to sit with Mikey and Cal."

"And you all couldn't sit with us?"


"Tell me before I kick those tiny balls of yours."

"Ididntwanttheguystoseemewithhim" I say all at once, hoping she didn't get it. My throbbing arm says differently though.


"Because. Ashton's. Ashton's different."

"Yeah, and?"

"M I don't want the guys to make fun of him. If I hang around Ashton then and the guys are hanging with me, Ashton is gonna hear them tease, and I don't want that."

"Wow. Nice logic." She scoffs. "So your big solution is to avoid the guy you've been acting like a love sick puppy for. You. Are. Such. An. Idiot." She flicks my ear.

"Why are you so violent?" I cry out.

"If you weren't such an idiot I wouldn't have to knock some sense into you. Don't you realise your hurting Ashton more by pretending there is nothing between you guys?"

"I dunno, M." I shrug, starting to see that she may be right.

"Okay. Since I'm the bestfriend ever. I got you something." She pulls out her phone. "Apologise."

"I don't kn-."

"I got his number because we bonded over shipping Larry. So take it and get on your knees to beg for his forgiveness. Or else."

"Or else wha?"

"Or else Lonroe wont be my brotp no mo."

I gasp and take her phone, placing Ashton's number into mines. "Thanks for telling me how much of an idiot I am." I rest my head on her shoulder. She pats my head, "That's what I'm here for beb."

I text Ashton.

Hey beautiful, it's Luke. Sorry I didn't talk to you earlier. I was so nervous and kind of in shock that you're here. Talk to you tomorrow? L x

Only a small lie, I can't exactly tell him the truth can I? It'll break his heart to know that the guy he gave his all to refuses to be associated with him all because of a minor detail, Ashton's body parts.

Let's just hope I can grow the balls to actually talk to him with out being ashamed of being seen with him. I don't want to break his heart, then again I don't want to lose my popularity. If it comes to it will I be able to stick up for Ashton? Or will I just follow my friend's lead and laugh at their mindless comments about my pretty boy's appearance and how he likes to dress up. Will I be able to juggle both of them?



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