girls wanna have fun

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Ashton's outfit above.


"Ashton, come on." I drag him by the arm out of the parking lot. "But I don't wanna." He pouts like a child. I sigh but continue dragging him past curious students eying us.

"Forget them. Okay? They're not gonna leave you alone if you let them pick on you. Now come on. No one will mess with you whilst I'm around." I groan at him.

"But Monroe. I can deal with them. It's him I don't wanna see." I stop pulling at him in understanding. He's avoiding Luke. I get that, I am too. Except if I see him he's gonna end up holding his balls in severe pain for what he did.

I never thought I'd be discusted in the boy I called my bestfriend. But I am, I know I'll forgive him, I always do. But for now he better stay away because these fists don't lie.

But do I know the real Luke? The kind, caring, non judgemental lad I met not to long ago when I moved here. He was the first boy that talked to me that didn't want to get in to my pants and he showed me around, introduced me to his friends and showed me for the first time what it felt like to have a bestfriend.

My Luke would coward away like that, treat the people he loves like they mean nothing to him. That's why I have to get to the root of the problem.

"Monroe? Do I look okay? Ashton nervously asks me. Whilst gesturing to his attire.

"Babe you look great." I answer as if he just asked me the most obvious question in the world. I'm being honest, he truly does look wonderful. In fact I envy him for pulling off such a look.

"You look better, honey." He links our arms and we walk into school together, where we are greeted by Calum and Michael. "Hey, M!" Calum punches my shoulder, his usual greeting. Michael smiles shyly and I feel my cheeks burning up before snapping back into reality. "Nope. Don't talk to me." I say and pull my new friend, Ashton away from the boys.

Ashton told me all about how my so called friends tease him in class. Maybe not as bad as the others, but it's still bullying and I ain't friends with bullies.

"EM, wait!" Michael calls and catches up with us. Ash and I twirl around together and I say in a huffed tone. "Yes. Clifford."

Ashton whispers in my ear. "It's okay you don't have to lose your friends because of me."

"No, I refuse to be friends with jerks. Nuh uh. Nope." I hold my head up high.

"Look. I'm sorry okay? Ashton I don't seriously think you're a freak, I was just showing off to the guys. Monroe, you know I'm not like that. You know me."

"It's okay. " Ashton shyly says.

"No its not okay. What you guys did was unacceptable."

Monroe do not look in to his eyes. Don't do it. Don't fall for his cute charms and red hair. Resist the hotness.

"I know. Hey Ashton why don't you come hang with us at Cal's tonight? Monroe too. We're gonna watch some movies and order in. I'd like to get to know you more. And Monroe it's about time I beat you at FIFA."

"Yeah. I'd like that. Thanks." Ashton grins at the red head.


"Yeah whatever!" I say but grin at him anyway.

"Great." And as he leaves the boy in the denim jacket kisses my cheek before running off to class.

"Oh my God! He likes you!" Ashton squeals.

"No he doesn't."

"Does so."

"Does not."

School comes to a speedy end for once and I was surprised I didn't see Luke once, hopefully he's somewhere in a corner crying in shame. I un lock my car and step in with Ashton in the passenger side. "Hold up, I gotta text my mum and let her know where we're going." I say, pulling my IPhone out. Once all is said and done, I put my engine in to gear and reverse out of the parking lot then begin our journey to Calum's home.

"THEN BABY I'M PERFECT FOR YOU!" we scream along obnoxiously to the radio whilst driving frantically. "Monroe you're the worst driver I've ever seen!" Ashton declares as I take a sharp turn.

We reach Cal's and as usual I just walk in. Ashton seems reluctant to come inside. "It'll be fine babe." I convince him and he steps inside with his doc martens.

I greet Joy before bouncing up the stairs. "BITCHES YOUR QUEEN HAS ARRIVED." I announce as I come bounding into the room. The guys all bow to me. I laugh it off before throwing my self on Calum's bed in between Calum and Mike.

"Ashton aren't you gonna sit down?" I ask. He shakes his head and just stands there. "Come on man. I'm sorry about everything. I don't think you're a freak. In fact you're hotter than half of the girls that go to our school." Calum tells him, I smile with pride at the fact my friends were now being accepting of the precious boy.

Calum gestures for Ash to sit next to him and he awkwardly climbs over us to reach his spot. Being too busy watching Calum low key flirting with Ashton makes me unaware that Michaels arm is now around my shoulder.

I look up at him and smile, snuggling closer. We sit together and watch Zombie Land until the door clicks open.

"Luke? What're you doing here? " Calum asks. "Thanks for not inviting me." He says. "Yeah well we wanted to hang out with Monroe tonight and she told us how you don't like Ashton and well um Ashton is here."

Ashton is currently hiding behind Calum. Hoping not to see Luke, the boy who trampled on his heart.


"Y-yea" He squeaked.

"Can we talk?"

"Nope." I say for him.

"Shut up Monroe."

"Hey don't speak to her like that!" Michael chirps in.

"Maybe you should just go Luke."

"But I wanna talk to Ashton." The two boys had know idea why he was being so persistent, as far as they knew, Ashton and Luke didn't know each other.

"You were to ashamed of me last night. What's the difference tonight?" The boy surprisingly piped up.

"Because I love you and I'm sorry babe. I messed up last night."

Michael and Calum gasp. "You two are-?" Calum asked.

"We were." Ashton answers.

Michael and Calum give Luke confused glares and Luke realised what he'd just done, outed himself.

"No of course we weren't together or anything. Ew no." I watched as tears rolled down Ashton's face.

For a second there i thought he was going to accept his relationship for once but I was wrong. He's even deeper in the closet than I imagined except he's throwing items at the boy he loves from the inside. Being privately gay is fine. But not when you're bringing people down in order to stay that way.

"Stop it Luke. " I scream. "Just leave! We don't want you here!" I know I'm being overdramatic but I can't stand seeing him hurt Ash like that.

"Guys?" Luke asks them hopefully. They give a silent reply which gives Luke a hint that he's to leave.

"Thanks 'friends'. Oh and Ashton, keep your tranny arse away from me."

Well that escalated...

The guys saying sorry the Ash?

Monroe and Michael ^^

The group isolating Luke??


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